starting second tank


ok my friend gave me his 10 gal tank, it came with the hood with normal light and filter. it was a fresh water tank befor but i cleaned it out. my quetion is wat do i need to do to start this into a saltwater tank, wat do i need to get? and i have one tank allready, 14gal bio cube, the sand keeps turning brownish even after i clean it. i think its that brown algea stuff (cant remember the name) they told me it may come from the water im toping my tank off with. wat can i do to fix this?


well first off what type of water are you using for top offs?
then we can get into your new tank. i just set up a 10g so i could basically walk you threw it.


ok well i would stop using that cuz its not really the best quality. i would buy yourself a go RO unit(only if your serios about this hobby). you can also just used distilled water. about $.99 per gallon still not bad. LFS sell it anywhere from $.30-1.500 for RO water. very good quaity.
now for your 10g. here is what you need in my opinion.
10g tank
AC70 (mod it and make it into a fuge) google it to find out how to do it.
10-15lbs LR
10#s LS unless you like a little bit deaper sand bed. i like 1"(which 10#s gets you)
Light fixture. Nova pro extream is really good. i dont have one yet(lack of funds) i have a cheapo corralife(24" little bigger but cheaper then the 20". got it used for $20. put in new bulbs 1 10,000k, and one antic). i have a few corals growing in it to with those lights. just zoo's and shrooms
1 powerhead. brand doesnt matter i cannot remember the name of mine but its the 400 model
Salt(you should already have this)
GOOD RO water
50watt heater
and thats just about all you need to really get it going. you also need test kits and stuff but you should already have it seeing as how you have another tank


i was thinking of using the HOB filter i have, im just going to have a pair of horses in there. and maybe a small power head


for the HOB fitler i would use the AquaClear 70. very good for the money. the maxi jet 400 moves the water at a med?small flow rate imo. a horse tank would be cool. i dont have the time to learn about them but would def love to get one someday down the road. you could probly ditch half the rock for some branch rock for the lil guys to grab onto


well idr wat this filter is called. its just a normal 10 gal filter, carbon in it, water goes throw mesh thingy and back out,,,, is that fine


it will work but, honestly i would spen the extra few bucks for the AC cuz its a much better filter. i ran my 55g tank for over a year on just 1 HOB filter running carbon. never really had a problem. but once i put the good filter on with the skimmer she was beautifull. it sounds like all you need for your tank is a PH and some sand. to get yea going. good luck post up some pics when you get it set-up


I I got an under water filter, so I'm going to use that as the power head since it's crazy strong and a little extra filtering and the HOB filter. Sounds good?


Active Member
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE check out the seahorse forum .. there is no way you should put a pair of seahorses in a 10 gallon tank unless you are talking about dwarf horses.
Minimum gallonage for one pair of horses is about 29 gallons.
Good luck with your new tank, but please don't put full-sized seahorses in it!