After much sitting on my hands, I'm FINALLY ready to get my tank up and going. I have two overflows running to my wet/dry but can't seem to get the siphon started The guy at my LFS explained it all to me when I bought my wet/dry and overflows but it's not working! I have a 3/4" U tube for the overflow box and i have this itty bitty tiny tube that he said I could thread through the U tube to start the siphon. Even looking at it, it doesn't make much sense. I can obviously get the siphon started through the itty bitty tube but that's supposed to come out and the water is supposed to flow through the actual U tube. But since the U tube is so much larger in diameter, I can't get the suction started in it using just the itty bitty tube.
Does that make sense? Here's a pic
Does that make sense? Here's a pic