Starting the tank up, again...


So I have been bouncing around from place to place the past few years (finishing my undergrad, then masters etc...) I have finally settled somewhere where I will be for a while (well 2 years at least!). So I am restarting my tank again, this will be the third time.
I started pretty much from scratch this time as far as water and living creatures go. So here is the setup as it sits:
46g Oceanic bow front:
~35 lbs of "live sand" (doubt it is live anymore)
50lbs of "dead" rock with 5lbs of fresh fiji added today
JBJ 192W PC lighting (upgrading to Current MH 150 x2 and T5 combo)
2 Tunze Nano stream power heads 660gph each
CPR 1000gph overflow
20g in closet sump:
1'' mud 3/4'' aragonite "top"
200W heater
JBJ Auto top off
Coral Life 65 SS
Mag 7 return
softball size piece of Cheato
18W 6700K PC lighting
Total flow with the skimmer is about 2000gph
All water produced by a Kent Marine 4 stage RO/DI
My temp and SG have settled in and I am going to start measuring parameters soon.
What do you all think? I would like to make a go at a nice little reef here. I would like to keep the hard corals eventually, hence the lighting upgrade. Let me know, I appreciate all advice.


Active Member

Welcome back.

Well you really need to show some pics.

Equipment and set up sound good so far.
What type of stack do you plan?


looks good.
things have changed alittle in the last few years as you have probably noticed. the setup sounds good though.
do you know what you think your planning on stocking the tank with,.


Thanks for the replies guys,
As far as stock goes I am going to start with the easy corals (being my first reef) soft stuff I guess that means. I would like to work my way into the hard corals. As far as fish go I really am open to anything colorful that will be reef safe. A pair of clowns was is on my mind for the first swimmers (besides the inverts).
I will post pics after I get home from work.