starting to stock a tank


New Member
I am getting ready to set up a 54 gallon tank. After I get the live rock and it cycles. I want to hypo 3 clownfish for about 4 weeks to make sure they do not have any diseases. I will hypo them in a seperate tank. My question is.... Since I am just starting the tank, are 3 clownfish to many to add at one time?:eek: :eek:


Welcome to the Board!
If you have "lots" of live rock and live sand, you could be okay but more likely than not, right after your tank cycles, adding three fish all at once may overload the new biological filtration system. To be safe, I might start with one fish then add the other two a couple weeks later.
You mention you want to "hypo" the new fish. I think you mean quarantine, right? No need to do that if you start with one. You quarantine fish to make sure they're not bringing disease into the system infecting other inhabitants. If you don't have any other inhabitants, there's nothing to protect.
The Q tank must also cycle though so while you're cycling your main tank, you might as well cycle the Q-tank too.


New Member
Thanks for the info.
I want to take the clownfish through the process of hyprosalinity. Bringing the salt content down so that if a disease exits, it will be distroyed. My friend started doing that process ever since she started losing fish that had ich. She has not had a problem since trying this process.
Maybe I could hypo them at the same time, but add them to the 54 gal. tank a week at a time. My hypo will just have saltwater in it so I don't think I will have to cycle it. Is my thinking correct?


Active Member
First - Welcome
Second - why 3 clown fish?? You can add two once your cycle is complete. The two will eventually pair up and be a nice colorful addition to your tank. I added 2 to my 20 after it cycled and there was a small spike but as of right now the numbers are back down!
Clowns are pretty hardy fish and can handle a second mini spike/cycle pretty well.
Good luck!


you still have to cycle your q-tank. There may be three fiah in there for up to 6 weeks. You will want good filtration