Starting to think of which fish to buy first???

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
Before i go back to school i want to get my first couple of fish other than damsels. Im wanting to get a pair of Maroon Clowns. Has anyone done this, i know they are semi aggressive but if i introduce them at the same time will they be okay?????
Also should this type of fish be okay to be the first into a tank?
I eventually a Blue Pacific Tang, 2 maroon clowns,
Bicolor Pseudocromis, maybe a whitecheek tank or purple and maybe a few small fish.
Could i get 2 tangs in my tank, w/o trouble???
Those are about the only fish i have desire to keep.
Id love to get a volitan but ill have to save that for my next tank in a few yrs.


Active Member
My first question is if your are going off to school does that mean someone else is caring for your tank? And if so, do they know what to do?
How big is your tank and how long has it been up?

sinner's girl

imo you can't have one tang let alone 2 in a 58. How long is the tank? purples and blues need more room then yellows. and tangs should be 1 or 3+ to minimize fighting. so no to 2. if you're tank is 4ft then maybe to a small yellow if there are only going to be a few fish in the tank.
btw, make sure you add fish slowly.

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
i know the recommended room for a tang but im going to put one in anyways. My girlfriend has one in a 44 hex and hes doing fine. Im going to buy it small and when he outgrows my tank ill trade him in. If i see that he needs more room then ill take it back.
yes my dad does know what hes doing, ill talk to him everyday to make sure hes doing okay. Ill be home every month for a water change.

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
by the way my tank is 58 gallons 36 inches long and is still cycling. Ill probably put the clowns in soon after the cycle, but as for everything else ill add it further into the yr. No rush on anything though.


I've gotta dispute the 2 tang rule. Tangs of diff body shape (even if 2 of them - 1 each) can get along fine fine.
HOWEVER, as tangs like to swim and graze - size and adequate food supply are things to keep in mind. I know some ppl are more.. hmm.. politically correct way to word this... more tang/fish-protective than others are - but be smart about your choices (as you are) and all will be fine.
No one likes to see a dog, put him in a 4ft kennel in the backyard, never played with - JUST so someone could have one - what's the point? I'm also not going to exaggerate and say the dog needs a farm with 5 acres to run, someone to walk him EVERY SINGLE day and his own couch and bed either.
You decide that balance - in the end, it's your finances, (i'll likely take flack for this one but) it's YOUR fish. HOWEVER, the care, treatment and meeting of its needs as it's in your care - will speak volumes about you. :)
It sounds as if you are really looking ahead and doing all you can to research/prepare to create a good environment. Some ppl just want to make sure no one is abusing a fish out of ignorance - so they wish to inform. Like you said, if you get a jeuvinile tang, I think you will be fine in your tank. 2 might be pushing it, but it might NOT BE either - depends on type and size. I have faith if you saw overcrowding, you would do what was necessry - move into a larger tank; take them back to the LFS; etc.
if you temper your desires with the needs of the fish and balance it all with genuine care for the fish - you will make the right decisions. :)
Best of luck to you :)

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
yeah i understand everything you said. I will only get 1 tang, and see how he does. I am in no way going to mistreat any animal. Im a huge outdoor conservationist, i love to hunt, fish and basically do anything outdoors. If i drop paper i pick it up, If i kill a deer its not all for the antlers its for the meat too. Im happier to see ppl concerned with fish than to not care at all. So for everyone out there that is concerned thanks for caring.


Speaking of caring for animals...
I have this damsel (he doesn't count as an animal) i'm wanting to exterminate.
Any ideas??
I'm willing to hire a midget and arm him with a

lol :)


ROFLMAO... do'nt you THINK for a moment i wasn't hope'n!!! lol LMAO :D hahaha
I have a bounty out on his head. Currently any crab, fish or even snail that takes him out - gets all the shrimp he can eat in a day and a life supply of sized shells to grow into.
I think the sally is holding out for a weeks supply of all you can eat food tho.