Starting up new 12g NANO TANK


New Member
hey guys i am thinking about get a 12 gallon tank(with filters, flow, heater,kit etc.) in a few days and was wondering what i should put in it. I really love false perculas and maybe the yellow tang also. Also how much live rock should i put in to be acceptable for proper living conditions?


Active Member
You can get a nanocube or aquapod. They're 12g or 24g tanks that comes with the lights and filter built in. For a tank that small you should only put a couple small fish in there. Defintely not a yellow tang; they should have at least 75g. A pair of false percs (ocellaris) would be fine. 1-2 pounds of LR per gallon is enough.


I agree, putting a yellow tang in any nano is cruel and shouldn't be done. A pair of clowns would be just fine though. Although, I wouldnt put any more fish than the two clowns in a 12 gallon.