starting wednesday

skiper gre

Ok tomorrow the tank is going inside. I have built my own stand and light canopy, purchased a 125g tank 60x18x24 with four returns, 30g sump, an EV180 protean skimmer with 700 GPH in sump pump, two t-4 pumps of witch one is flowing to the SQUID wave maker to two of the returns, and the other to the other two returns, two 250 metal halide lights, two t-5 lights. It is all running on the patio every thing working great. More noise from the overflows than I would like. How do I quiet this? Earlier I poster a question about the sand, I decided to go with live sand from my LFS guy. The question for now, how does that stuff stay alive for one year in a box? I didn’t see the expiration date but when he told me this stuff was good for a year I WAS SURPRISED!! I plan on purchasing the sand and 100 pounds of live rock that has been in his store for a while from him on Wednesday. The rock is in containers without lighting is this ok? He is selling me the rock for 4.00 a pound I think this is a good price. I plan on adding at least another 100 pounds in the neat week or two. Any advice on changes to my plan would be appreciated.


There is a way to quite down your overflows. Do a search on stand pipes (not sure if this is actually what it is called)
As far as the sand goes I would just see if anybody locally to you would give you a scoop or two to seed your new sandbed.
Save your money.
Do you have a fuge?

skiper gre

No fuge, I plan on adding a small one 10 to 20 gallons with grow lights to grow some algae and help with filtration...


The stand pipes you are referring to are the Durso Stand pipes. I have dual durso pipes in my overflow and there is very little noise at all. Just the occasional "blip"! I would cancel the order on the SCWD and go with a 4 way or 8 way from Oceansmotions dot com. The SCWD will break down over time and doesn't have all the custom options that the OM has. I would personally hold off on putting the live sand in until all the equipment has settled down.