

New Member
How long can fish survive without feeding? I have three damsels, a hawk fish, a maroone clown, and a dragon wrasse. When will they all die?


Is this a serious post, or are you just looking for attention any way you can get it? Why would you not feed them?


New Member
this is a serious post and am not looking for attention. it is a question that i need answered. these fish have become extremely agressive to my dismay, especially the damsels. i have tried to catch them to take them either back to a pet store, or to put them back in the ocean, but this has been a tremendous task in which we have not had results. my tank is extremely large and my fiji rock are glued together. dismanteling it to take out these fish is not an option. in fact, this may be an impossible task, for the rocks no longer fit through the upper hatch. i guess it was poor planning on my part and i should have researhed these fish more thoroughly, but these fish are taking away from us enjoying our tank. any suggestions?

beach bum

they will live a long time, damsels will forage the rocks and sandbed for food. As a total guess I would say at least two months (probably longer than it will take the other fish to perish).
Why not remove the other fish and then work on your damsel problem a different way...


You can either buy a fish trap from your LFS or make one out of a 2-litre soda bottle, and bait it with a piece of food, you will likely catch the damsels this way. Or, you can try using a flashlight about 2 hours after you turn off the lights at night to find them and net them. The sudden light will stun them and they will be much easier to catch then. HTH


Come on, if you want to remove the damsel, pull the tank apart.
yes i read your tank is big and your rocks are glued together. You have no options, starving your fish is NOT cool
Yes ripping your tank apart is a PITA, but if you need to remove some overly aggressive fish, this is the easist wway. No traps, get 2 nets and chase the little buggers in an empty tank. How bigs the tank?
if you have live rock and a DSB then your fish will live for quite a while.


damsels can be a bit of a pain i had a domino damsel harass my narvachus angel until he killed it!!! and this was in a 130 gal tank. it took some persistence but a finally netted the bugger and put a butter knife to his head before flushing...


New Member
I have caught damsels in my tanks before using this method: I took a clear 2 liter soda bottle - cleaned it real well then cut the top off about 3 inches down the neck( in the middle of the cone) - I inverted the cone and stapled it back in place making a funnel pointing inward. I filled the bottle with live brine and placed it in the tank - I caught all the damsels that way!! You will have to cut the very top off below the screw cap threads to a size big enough to allow you fish to swim thru.