Starveing eel


My eel has not eaten in about a week. It has simply beenm hiding under the rocks and not even looking for food. Today I just hung a big piece of fish in front of him but he seemed totally uninterested. Should I be worried or is it normal for eels to go on hunger strikes?????


Active Member
Ah! I have seen lots of zebras do this! I wouldn't worry one bit! Eels can go up for months without eating. However I would ty to feed him a variety of foods just not fish and krill.


Active Member
It's not uncommon for Morays to go on hunger strikes. My Dragon has gone 4 months without eating and my Whitemouth has gone 6 months without eating. Just keep offering food, once a week and it'll eventually come around.


ok thanks for the info. i was getting a bit worried.
After it starts eating how often should i feed it? I have heard many things from once a week to every other day.
Also what should I be feeding him?? Im currently feeding him silver sides however this is probibly not that good for him.
Last question. What other eels can I put with him?
Thanks guys,