Starving Fish


We bought a Blue Cheek Sleeper Goby 2 or 3 weeks ago. The problem is that he seems to be starving to death right infront of our very eyes. All the water parameters are perfect (tank has been stable for a year and a half) and his tank mates are all peaceful. He was very shy for the first week or so and hid all the time but now he eats well during feeding time. But he's still loosing weight. Does anyone have any suggestions for really nutritious food that will help this little guy put on some weight? Right now his diet consists of Mysis, Bloodworms, and Krill. We do have a 2-3 inch sand bed and he's out sifting all day. Help :eek: !


Is he actually eating the food you feed the tank or does he ignore it and stick to the sand bed? Most sleepers don't take to frozen food, although I had a goldenhead that took to it and left my sandbed alone. I got him eating live black worms, and from then on, it was pretty easy to get him to eat frozen. He went nuts for the I'd say give those a try.


Yes, he actually eats the frozen food and works on the sand the rest of the time. Thanks for the suggestion on the worms. I'll have to give those a try. Is there any risk of introducing parasites with those live worms?