starving Lionfish


New Member
I have had my black volitan lionfish for approx. 6 months. I recently purchased a new canister filter 3 weeks ago trying to rid my tank of white cloudy water since I have had since setting up the tank.(didn't work - new topic) Since then the appetite of the lionfish has slowed down. He has now not eaten for a week. This is very unusual for him, he usually eats 2-3 every 3days. All the other fish in the tank are OK, Any suggestions as to what could be wrong?

mr . salty

Active Member
By changing over to a new filter your tank could be recycling. If so the fish may be in distress. What are your readings? STEVE


New Member
By the way, "Kordon Saltwater Clarifier" can really help you clear up your water + prime up your canister for faster bacterial growth. In case you used puka shell for your gravel, it should have been washed thouroughly by the handful or it will cloud your tank for a long time. On the other hand the cloudiness could just be a harmless bacterial bloom if the tank is somewhat new and it will pass with time.
Cloudy water sometimes means that there is extra stuff floating in your water, that makes it harder for the fish to breathe through, so they don't really feel like eating very much because it requires extra energy, and breathing. I would try a partial water change and see if that helps, and maybe check out some meds for fish that won't eat. (I got one, don't remember the name, that got my sick fish to start eating again). Hope all works out!