Starving Snails???

I have a fairly new 29gal tank with a lawnmower Blennie, a small clown, a Green Chromis, a Sea Hare, 4 crabs, and four snails. Came in to work today and three of my snails are dead. All water everything is within range for ammonia, PH, salinity, and so forth. Any chance the blennie and the sea hare are eating all the alge and there is none left for the snails? Or maybe it's the small sheet of sea weed, sushi type, that I put in last Friday?
Any thoughts?

bang guy

Nope, your Salinity is probably close to 35ppt which is ideal for snails.
How long did you have the snails, what specie, & how large are they?

bang guy

They probably couldn't have starved in 5 weeks unless they were starving when you got them (possible). Acclimation shock would have killed them in a few weeks. So.... I would blame the Fiddler Crabs if I had to make a guess.