My yellow tang looks like he is starving to death, but eats at every meal. He is pale, very thin and fins look like they have been chewed off. Suggestions? The other fish in the tank look well.
90 gallon tank, 2 1.5" green chromis, 1 2" clown, 1 1" yellow tail damsel, 1 pink tip anemone, several small snails and hermits. Tank is 9 years old, 15-20% water changes regularly 1x/month.
Feeding 1x/day San Fran Bay Brand Saltwater Fish Multipack (frozen) - plus greens 1xweek. Used to use VHP, but I can no longer find a supplier for this except in cube form, which I hate - too much gel binder.
For the last 10 days I have increased feedings, including leafy greens daily - the tang is no better. Fish looked healthy when purchased 9 months ago. Does anyone hav other suggestions?
Are his fins chewed off because of aggression? Can you post a picture?
What and how often are you feeding?
Add zoecon to 1 meal.
What are your water readings?
Originally Posted by fishytales
For the last 10 days I have increased feedings, including leafy greens daily - the tang is no better. Fish looked healthy when purchased 9 months ago. Does anyone hav other suggestions?
What are your readings for ammonia, nitrite, NITRATE, ph, SG, and temp? What other fish are in there? How much LR do you have?
I had a Mimic Tang for about a year until all of a sudden he became very thin with ragged fins. He always ate well and my other fish were fine (including another tang). He ended up dying soon after and the guy at the LFS said it was probably internal parasites.