darthtang aw
Active Member
Ok, I am going to try to touch on most everything he talked about.
First and foremost. He touched on Vet programs. This is my number one concern with any future president. I feel the government owes these people MORE than the rest of us as their decision to join the military affects them and their families when Government enacts policies. We can sit here and support the war or oppose it, but at the end of the day any war we are engaged in doesn't truly affect our lives directly. Them it does so they should be well taken care of. Vet benefits have almost doubled (funding and support) under his administration. He wants to increase that more and also create new programs for those coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan. This can only be seen as a good thing.
Spending, he will cut programs abused or not needed anymore and balance the budget to give us a surplus in 2010 (or 12) if it is stuck with. Not bad since this is the main gripe now.
aid to africa. He will continue here which is good, but he plans to fund in a way that will set up the region to grow and produce their own food and stabilize themselves. A good thing as it will eventually get the rest of the world to stop taking care of these types of countries.
Immigration. He has asked congress to put together plans, and he will do the same and they can sit down and come up with what will work the best for the country. (the one point I am skeptical of).
Iraq, 20,000 troops will be brought home. More will follow as the MILITARY LEADERSHIP feels they can afford it. NOT CONGRESS OR THE PRESIDENT, but the military. As it should be.
economy, congress was asked to come up with a plan for the
issue without bailing anyone out. Basically forcing the
companies to restructure loans so they are affordable for those lended to. Also a rebate check for over 1 million families in tax relief (which now the senate is discussing extending enmployment benefits and food stamp programs as well.
Education...Under no child left behind, math and English scores have come up across the board...Fewer High school drop outs as well. Also he wishes to expand a college scholarship/grant program for poor kids who don't have the monetary means for college but have the scores and drive. To help strengthen our youth education.
The number 2 thing I liked after the veterans issues was the ear mark and pork bills. He last year asked congress to reduce their pork/ear marks by 50%. They didn't. He has now said he will automatically veto these bills if the senate chooses to ad ear marks to them.
First and foremost. He touched on Vet programs. This is my number one concern with any future president. I feel the government owes these people MORE than the rest of us as their decision to join the military affects them and their families when Government enacts policies. We can sit here and support the war or oppose it, but at the end of the day any war we are engaged in doesn't truly affect our lives directly. Them it does so they should be well taken care of. Vet benefits have almost doubled (funding and support) under his administration. He wants to increase that more and also create new programs for those coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan. This can only be seen as a good thing.
Spending, he will cut programs abused or not needed anymore and balance the budget to give us a surplus in 2010 (or 12) if it is stuck with. Not bad since this is the main gripe now.
aid to africa. He will continue here which is good, but he plans to fund in a way that will set up the region to grow and produce their own food and stabilize themselves. A good thing as it will eventually get the rest of the world to stop taking care of these types of countries.
Immigration. He has asked congress to put together plans, and he will do the same and they can sit down and come up with what will work the best for the country. (the one point I am skeptical of).
Iraq, 20,000 troops will be brought home. More will follow as the MILITARY LEADERSHIP feels they can afford it. NOT CONGRESS OR THE PRESIDENT, but the military. As it should be.
economy, congress was asked to come up with a plan for the
issue without bailing anyone out. Basically forcing the
companies to restructure loans so they are affordable for those lended to. Also a rebate check for over 1 million families in tax relief (which now the senate is discussing extending enmployment benefits and food stamp programs as well.
Education...Under no child left behind, math and English scores have come up across the board...Fewer High school drop outs as well. Also he wishes to expand a college scholarship/grant program for poor kids who don't have the monetary means for college but have the scores and drive. To help strengthen our youth education.
The number 2 thing I liked after the veterans issues was the ear mark and pork bills. He last year asked congress to reduce their pork/ear marks by 50%. They didn't. He has now said he will automatically veto these bills if the senate chooses to ad ear marks to them.