STATS, what sould they be?


hello new to all this, moved the tank across town, and i didnt seem to have a cycleing period at first, nothing spiked. but now 2 weeks later things in the tank are not looking good. what should my water stats be, specificaly the gravity? and do i top the sump/tank with fresh or saltwater? also i got this THICK alagee growing now, what can i use to get reid of it, my skimmer wasnt working for a few days there. i do have a live rock, coral, and some inveratives, star, hermie, crabs no :happyfish yet when should they come, i dont have shrimp, cause the fish i want will eat them also some pics of some thinks i would love help idetify and some corals i think are dying. anyinfo would be great :jumping: thanks so much



you should have had a quarantine tank setup! such a loss if u lose alot of that. sounds like some things got damaged in the move and its setting the tank balance off. How often do you clean?


Active Member
Water parameters sould be Ammn 0, nitirte 0, phosphate 0, nitrate less than 20, PH 8.0-8.4, Temp 77-82, Calcium 400, Alk 8-12 dkh, Magnesium 1320.
How old is the tank? How did you move it? What type of lights? Whats the filtration? Is the skimmer working again? What are the water parameters now?


If you moved your tank two weeks ago it is very fiesable to think it is now cycling. Are you testing your water. Here is what you want
Ammonia-0 (anything higher can kill fish)
Nitrite-0 (anything high can kill fish)
Nitrate-10ish (high than 20 can stress fish, coral, and kill inverts)
PH- 8.0-8.3 (out of this range will definitly affect corals)
Alkalinity- between 7-11 DKH is fine
Calcium- anywhere around 450 would be fine
Temp-around 80
SG- from 1.023-1.026 would be fine
Phospate- less then 1, this is probably why you have a green hair algae problem (do you use RO water?)
For us to help we will need the results of the above tests (possible magnesium as well, but not as vital) and we need to know about your tank, size, filtration, substrate, lighting, #lbs of LR, etc.