I wanted to get your setup at 600 bucks. I was ready and had my wife conviced for us to drive to you this week with the cash. I asked a couple of times about pics and didn't get any of them. I am sorry about your situation. Didn't mean to be an @$$ about anything.
Sammy's right...hospitals steal enough money with what they milk the insurance companies for...they pad their bills like crazy. And, unless you're going to a private hospital, they can't turn you away when you need them, even if you owe.
I appreciate you guys' advice however my problem is of extenuating circumstances that were out of my control. lets get back to business. and if anyone knows how to post the pics that I sent I would appreciate it. I cant do it.
the diminsions are 48 in across the front and 31 in top to base and 24 in width and the cabinet is 30 in tall. and 25 in width and 50 across the front. the ballast for the mh is 175 watt. stop reading this stuff and buy my tank. you want it and your wives or husbands will be thrilled at your great idea to buy another tank, they will probably say " thats just what we needed"
ps want pix wilman79@aol.com
hay there, I live in streetsboro, ohio. I am interested in the tank, if you will give me a email, so that I can give you a call, thanks and talk to you later, jason
but the tank has a happy new home. Chris I hope you enjoy your new toy, I miss it already and that corner of the room just looks dark and sad now. I hope you had a safe trip and please send me pix of the setup when you get a second.