Step one in my new 20 high gal reef tank


Brand new reef conditions, water is perfect, tank is one year with only 2 fish. Put in one apple and 10 lbs of new live rock with a frag of polyp rock...we'll see


This is not a fish tank but will be a mini reef tank, one thing at a time. It won't happen over night. I have a maroon clown and he will be the only "large fish" introduced to this tank. I have a 75 I can add fish to if I decide to add more to that tank. My 75 is a FOWLR. Check my stats. No white sand was added, that is the way Black sand looks when you buy it.


New Member
i'm glad to hear you shot for some black sand, not many people have done that..
From the picture it looks like its black and white. COuld you explain that possibly? Was it just the camera?
Good Luck, that sea apple looks awesome.


I add Kent PhytoPlex daily then Kent Microvert once weekly. I can move it to my 75 if you think i should. It seems fine where it is and it does eat, his tenecles or whatever their called are seen going in it's mouth. I don't have any aggresive fish, unless you thing my clown surgeon will pick at it. Everything else in my 75 are no bigger than 2-3 inches, and they aren't going to get any bigger


This may take this thread away from it's original intent...sorry. but: I saw a sea apple for the 1st time just last week (hey...i'm new at this!) Are they hard to keep? From the reply's here it sounds like thay may get picked on by other fish. I plan to keep fairly docile fish in my tank. May look at an apple if it would work.


I have not ever had it happen but a friend of mine had a sea apple and one day it desided it wanted to rest on the power head and when it did that it died and when it did it took the whole tank with it (90 gallon tank fully loaded with all kinds of stuff dead)and from what i hear on the message boards and lfs is that sea apples are great to look at but not worth the thousands of dollars you put in your tank if it ever dies.
When they get stressed or for other reasons they will expel toxins into the water and they are time bombs waiting to go off and kill everything in your tank
Im not slaming your sea apple cause i myself think they look killer but would hate to come here and read a post from you about something bad.
Where did you get the black sand from??? seen it here on the board but never could fine it local


The sea apple has to be happy not stressed,no one to bother it in this tank, to answer your question about "black sand", it comes from "caribsea" and is mostly agronite live sand. You will have to talk to your lfs about more info, I don't have the bag it came in anymore. You treat it like regular LS but it is a mix of black and white sand. Kinda dusty though, black dust close to my maroon clown (not any place else) who likes to sweep his area :p