Steveos New Bio Cube !


Hey everyone i am kinda new to saltwater i have a 100gal bow front but i wanted a new chalange so i got a bio cube i know having a smaller tank is less forgiveing than a 100gal so here we go my first question is if i have enough live rock water quality is top notch so tell me what you think thanks in advance



It looks like the front of the tank is hanging over the edge of the table! :scared: :scared: :scared:
Are you doing a reef tank or fish-only tank? If you're going with fish-only, your rock will probably be fine. You want approximately 1 lb of rock per gallon of water (more or less depending on the density of the rock). If you're doing a reef tank you'll probably find yourself adding more rock as you start filling the tank--you might find mushrooms or zoos that are attached to a fairly good sized piece of LR, or you might get more rock to provide more surface area for (or better anchoring of) corals. I have the size 29 Biocube (which holds about 23 gal) and I started out with about 25 lb of rock, and I now have about 40 lbs (a couple of those are rubble that I've put in the back chamber to replace the bioballs).
Keep us posted on your progress!


:thinking: I want to do a reef tank some corals i want are frogspawn and some zoos but i was wondering if i can use half bio balls and half LR in the back of the tank also where did you put your heater mine is in the main tank and it looks getto :thinking:


Originally Posted by FLESHWOUND
:thinking: I want to do a reef tank some corals i want are frogspawn and some zoos but i was wondering if i can use half bio balls and half LR in the back of the tank also where did you put your heater mine is in the main tank and it looks getto :thinking:
You can do half and half. I've been gradually changing mine out, so I've had both of them in there for a while. The bioballs can get kinda nasty over time, so I'm just wanting them out of there.
I haven't really had the need for a heater--I live in Arizona. The tank seems to stay warm with just the lights and the ambient heat in the house. Summertime, well that's a different story--my tank has already gotten up to 83 degrees for a couple days this year.
I ordered a clip on fan assembly for the tank to help keep the tank from boiling when it gets up to 115 degrees outside in July!


About the heater--I think the people that use them put them in the intake compartment, making sure there's always enough water in there to keep the heater completely submerged.


so I took your advise and i moved the tank to a better spot and i added some new live rock do you have a pic of your tank ?



Thank you for moving the tank to a more secure place!!!! I feel better now!

I like the rock! Looks like you got some with some very nice coralline algae growth--it'll spread to some of the other rocks and color them up a bit. Very nice! Your aquascaping looks like it turned out nicely!
Here's a link to my tank diary thread
I need to update it again this weekend. I added some more rock, more shrooms, and a fox coral since the last pics were taken.

It looks like you're doing great with your tank so far! :cheer: I'm excited to see how it progresses!


do you guys use the pre filter on your bio cubes i was just wondering if it helps at all because i have live rock and bio balls in my wet dry area


Active Member
I took all my bio balls out. I have the sponge in the first chamber, the heater in the second and a bag of carbon or actually its' pergerion or something like that.


Active Member
I did call about that and the lady told me what to do, but I had just bought a new one so I didn't write it down. There is a solution you buy, but I forget what it's called. I will have to call again.


Hey Zoie--
Love the way you have Quigley all decked out for Easter! Very cute!
Sorry Steveo, didn't mean to hijack your thread!


so I just got back from my LFS and it was kinda odd i got 2 zoo frags one is the size of a soft ball and the other is the size of a well you can see in the pics but the thing that gets me is they were both the same price take a look at them and tell me if the one in the second pic is rare or something oh yea and I also got a frog spawn too enjoy



Active Member
Its just because the second set tends to be more desirable cause of the polyp extension probably. I like the first, IMO, but every hobbyist is different.


Possibly due to unusual coloration of the second one?

I'd love to see the first one when it's all opened up--please post a pic when that happens. :jumping:
And of course, I have love for that frogspawn!
They're all very nice finds. Looks like your tank is off to a great start! :cheer: