Steveos New Bio Cube !


so when i turned my lights of last night my tank was cool but when i woke up and turend them on thre was green hair alge and redish-brown alge everywhere my tank has only been up for a week do you guys think its to soon to add my clean up crew


so i guess i wont be puting any of my new zoos or that frogspawn in my bio cube any time soon so i want to trade half of the zoo rock and like 2 or 3 heads of the frog spawn here are some pics the zoos will be in like 2 frags with more than 20-30 heads on each frag here are some pics so yea let me know i am in the so cal area



Active Member
Originally Posted by AZReefGirl
Hey Zoie--
Love the way you have Quigley all decked out for Easter! Very cute!
Sorry Steveo, didn't mean to hijack your thread!

Thanks AZReef. You should see him hop around like that!!
Love your new coral! It depends on what your water levels are. Mine weren't perfect when I added my cleaning crew, but they were "safe". Check your levels and if they're on the safe side start adding a cleaning crew. I think I waited 2 weeks.


so i put the cleanup crew in on friday and they are hard at work i think in a few more weeks i will start adding some coral



Looks like you have a diatom bloom going on. I hear that most new tanks get that and it goes away pretty quickly. I never had it in mine, so I can't tell you exactly how quickly it goes away, but I don't think that it's anything that you need to be overly concerned about.


hey az ore anyone do you want some of the zoos or frogspawn i have i want to learn to ship live corals and someday trade


Originally Posted by FLESHWOUND
hey az ore anyone do you want some of the zoos or frogspawn i have i want to learn to ship live corals and someday trade

I'm hoping to get around to fragging some shrooms soon. I'll let you know when I'm ready to trade for some zoos.


my tank is still cycling but i guess you can say I gave it a boost because I took some nice rock from my other tank and put it in my cube but my tank is the only two week old cube that I have heard that has tons of pods so mabye my first fish will be a goby


Originally Posted by AZReefGirl
I'm hoping to get around to fragging some shrooms soon. I'll let you know when I'm ready to trade for some zoos.
yea like even if you dont want to trade I will give you some frags I made 3 frags today and they are doing well I will post pics soon


Originally Posted by FLESHWOUND
my tank is still cycling but i guess you can say I gave it a boost because I took some nice rock from my other tank and put it in my cube but my tank is the only two week old cube that I have heard that has tons of pods so mabye my first fish will be a goby
What type of goby?


so here are some updates my levels are all good and all of the brown alge is almost gone oh yea and I put my frogspawn in the tank also and its is doing great one of the pics shows a baby frog spawn and my temp so please comment and enjoy
