Still Blenny baffeled


Just got my shipment from this site today. I put my Lawn mower Blenny in my tank yesterday. I saw him for a few mins.. Then haven't seen him since. I have a 55 gal. with about 45 lbs of live rock so the tank isn't enormous where he'd get lost. Would he be hiding in the rock? I don't understand.


New Member
LMBs like to hide in the rockwork. Being in there only a day it is still adjusting. Give a few days and it will come out.


Active Member
LOL, its quite allright. These things actually change colors a little to blend in with the rock. You will only see it if you actually LOOK for it and see its head. Look at this pic. I never noticed he was in the hold until after I edited the pic. They hide in all sorts of nooks, and are good with hide and go seek


Sometimes it can take me over 10 mins to find my LMB in my 60 gallon. He just seems to disappear - they blend in really well.


Active Member
Lets play a game called find the lmb. If you find him they you will get..... my undisputed respect, lol. You can redit my pic or wat not, or just explain where it is. Here ya go!!