New Member
I have had high nitrates for the past several weeks. The ohter night I did the following.
10% water change
Boiled the sponge material and let it dry
Boiled the Bio balls
Did nothing with the white carbon in the back
Added the black charcoal like stuff in the nylon bag (forgot the name)
Today nitrates still around 40...
50% water change
Took out the bioballs
took out the old white carbon (or whatever it's almost 6months old)
I believe this might be the source of nitrate...thoughts?
I added six little neck clams, 4 died in about 3-4 days and I took them out.
Am I on the right track. Tank is about 6months old.
10% water change
Boiled the sponge material and let it dry
Boiled the Bio balls
Did nothing with the white carbon in the back
Added the black charcoal like stuff in the nylon bag (forgot the name)
Today nitrates still around 40...
50% water change
Took out the bioballs
took out the old white carbon (or whatever it's almost 6months old)
I believe this might be the source of nitrate...thoughts?
I added six little neck clams, 4 died in about 3-4 days and I took them out.
Am I on the right track. Tank is about 6months old.