Still looking at angels,anyone have a.....

noah's nemo

Maculosus Angel ,AKA half moon angel,or a Cortez?Just curious.I now know i want an angel,just alot to choose from,would like to hear more opinions and personal experiences.Thanks


Active Member
If you like the Maculosus, I'd recommend the Asfur angel instead. They are from the Red Sea, so quality of the fish is up there. But for a 125gal, the Asfur will stay smaller. Mac's grow to be a pretty large angel, Asfur's stay smaller, about 10" max, have seem to have a very slow growth rate.
For the Cortez, have you seen the adult? I hate to call a fish an ugly duckling, but an adult Cortez is just not I'm angel I'd have when there are so many other more beautiful angels out there.


Active Member
not the one you were asking about but it's called a rock beauty. nice looking angelfish, mine is great and he is active and reef safe. Very docile but very high energy. entertaining fish.

noah's nemo

Rock beauty is pretty common.I want a centerpiece fish.I like the koran and Annularis,but i guess they get big too.What is too big though?I mean it would be the only 10+ in. size fish in there(if it even got that big).and it takes years right?Anyway,the asfur is cool ,but not as purple,more blue.Everyone will say ,your just gonna do what you want anyway,but thats not true.Thats why i'm asking opinions.Thanks.

noah's nemo

Well, i have to keep in mind my limit is about $200.The wife would not approve of anything more.Yes,she is the boss,and i have NP admitting it.LOL.I like the blueface alot,but it seems they get large too,as well as the blue and french.Its just that ,all different sites seem to have mixed info on them all,so
IDK.It will be my b-day gift ,so i have 29 days to decide.Thanks to everyone who helped me on both my threads


The Blue face angel for a tank 75 - 100, but the queen and emperor angel are also very nice- they need at least 150 gallons