still needing advice



Thomas recommended that I read up on this hobby. Does anyone have any good books that will help me with my questions?


New Member
I'm very, very new to this myself, but here are the books I currently have:
* Marine Fishes by Scott W. Michael
(Information & pictures of the different species of marine fish.)
* The Guide To Starting A Marine Aquarium by David E. Boruchowitz
(A rather quick read, this one reminds you to take things slowly, as well as advice on what you REALLY need at first and what can wait till later).
* The Marine Aquarium Problem Solver by Nick Dakin
(Have found this one to be quite helpful.)
* The New Marine Aquarium by Michael S. Paletta
(Haven't read this one--YET.)
* Keeping Saltwater Fish by Steve Halls
(This one has the Red Sea brand all over it, but has information that helps you understand why certain fish need certain things to thrive.)
One book I'm planning on getting is the Conscientious Marine Aquarist that I've heard so many people recommend.
Hope this helps and Good Luck to you!


with all books that you see have good info on them but look at the publication date of the book some that are still being sold are really really out of date and have been revised but the older ones are still out there.
also books are like peoples opinions read it and ask questions research it and then make a descion on how you want to procedd. thats not saying that there isnt some really good books out there. I use the internet more than anything all my books are outdated so I cant give you any names sorry


Active Member
The books bison listed are a great start. If you want stuff on corals and inverts look into Julian Sprungs books. Great all around reference. If you want the motherlode on info look into getting the Bansch books. I think thats how you spell them. They are typical paper back size, but hard bound. They are hundreds of pages of pictures and info on anything saltwater. THey come in several volumes and the whole set could run you hundreds of dollars i think.... Youll know them when you see them though . CHeck the LFS....