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I know the angler will eat anything he can fit into his mouth, as so sadly proven by your foxface. How often do you feed him? Does he have to have live food? Most importantly, how large an aquarium do they require? He doesn't look like an active fish. Would a 14 gallon species tank be adequate for him?
No, they are not active except at feeding time. I understand one wart-skin angler can be housed in a tank as small as a 10gl, but I wouldn't keep any other fish with it. Even another angler. That is pushing the min. size tank for one. They are not messy eaters by any means, swallowing their food whole, but the poops are pretty large and the bio-load would have to be taken into account in a small tank.
They do eat live but can be trained to take frozen/thawed silversides, krill and meaty morsels from a feeding stick. Best to do this as soon as possible unless you live near the ocean and can collect small feeders yourself. Damsels can get expensive, though these guys only need to be fed once a week, 2 times at the most.
And BTW, the wart-skin reaches 6", most of the others available in the pet trade can grow to a foot and more so would not be appropriate for a 14gl.