still podless


Active Member
hey kids...
my tank's been up n runnin for 2 months now.
16# of lr, 70pds of sand (20ls)
still no visit from the pod fairy

this isnt a sign, is it?
although, everyday, im discovering either a new feather duster or some other life form
can you "buy pods" at a lfs or something?


I had pods until my fish began devouring them a few months back. After my pod population got nuked, I picked up different kinds of macro from a guy in my local club, and it restarted my pod colony. I also rearranged my rockwork and macro to give the pods shelter and protection from predators. So far, theyve been going nuts, and my glass is practically crawling with critters. So basically my suggestion is to pick up some better quality sand or macro from a very established tank.


Active Member
Pod piles can also help if you don't have a refuge, it gives the pods a safe breeding ground if you have predators. Pod piles are no more than crushed live rock pieces that can be piled up in the corner.


oh..someone else posted..they said it was a pod..Im not sure :confused: . Just thought id help out and try to post one for her! Sorry!


Active Member
Okay, thanks my tank is full of the little critters. I have a 10 gal nano and seen these things buzzing around my rock. At first I thought they were baby fish, but it is really hard to have babies when you only have one fish...
stupid me.
I have tons of these things, are they good for the tank?
What purpose do they serve?
How did I get so many, and little tiny babies every time I look.
Debbie :happyfish


They are great for your tank! Your fish may eat them though on the glass so don't be shocked if they appear to leave.


Active Member
I don't think my thousands of them are leaving anytime soon. There just seems to be more and more. My shrimp sometimes has a field day.
Hey, by the way why are they good for the tank?


Sorry to hear your still podless COW, perhaps you could start a 10 gallon pod tank.
My 55 fuge is coming along fine, its been running for over a month now and I have tons of little pods matureing that came in on some Chaeto algae. Lots of little bristle worms too.


Active Member

Originally posted by COWFISHRULE
...hey kids...
my tank's been up n runnin for 2 months now.
16# of lr, 70pds of sand (20ls)
still no visit from the pod fairy

this isnt a sign, is it?...

What kind of "cookies" have you been leaving out for the Pod Fairy...?? :thinking:
You HAVE been leaving cookies out haven't you...?? :eek: