sting sand


Active Member
im getting a new pond and am getting a stingray and wanted to know what sand to get, can i get like play sand from walmart or lowes also its goig to be like almost 4 oo gallons, how much sand do i need


Active Member
i calculate about 700 pounds give or take 50 for a 4" sandbed in a 400 gallon pond whichw ould be the ideal for keeping stingrays
and yes playsand would be fine IMO


Active Member
thats awsome, my father and i went and priced sand ponds and filters for everything
one more question is would a pond pump/filter be ok for salt water or do i have to get one from the fish store


I use pond filters on my pond
You can also use those huge sand filters. they are like fluidized bed filters just easyer to maintain.


Active Member
how big is your pond, i was priceing lastnight and in a few min. am going again and they was one for salefor$100, it was rated for 1000 gallon wold that be good , the extra filtration


Active Member
today i got 150 lbs of sand and the filter so now im waiting on the pond, can i see pics of your pond, what all do you have in yours and where did you get it


Active Member
shrimp, krill, sliversides, squidd, octo alot of diff. saltwater fish strips etc . etc. its very important to feed them alot of variety and really mix it up