Stinging Anemones


Hi guys.. I have a question (Surprise Surprise)
Bubble anemones and open brains...
These guys sting right? I thought I remembered hearing that you need to keep em away from other anemones due to stinging.
If you put a bubble or brain in a tank with lawnmower blennys, inverts, a hawkfish and damsels... would they sting them? I am pretty sure the answer is yes to the bubble but not so sure about the brain.
Are there any anemones (even if its just mushrooms) that look like a typical anemone that wont kill everything in your tank?? I have mushrooms and polyps but they look just like mushrooms and grass. hehe
I would like to put something in that would look a little more like a typical anemone (you know... tentacles or something of the likes and maybe pinkish/white instead of mud brown and green.. heheh)
The only reason an anemone would sting is if the fish or inverts were to swim into it or if food was to come near. the fish and inverts should know it is and anemone and will stay away I do not know about the brain so good luck.


the anemone will sting anything that comes in contact with its stinging cells
[ June 30, 2001: Message edited by: @knight ]