stingray egg


i baught a stingray egg and was wandering how long do thay take to hatch?
the egg is already moving :cheer: i thank this cheerleader is hot. i got her number


i got it from my lfs, they said it was a stingray. right now it is in a 30g but it is soooon going to be bigger. i looked at it with a light and it looks like a stingray


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
make sure u get a tanks thats wide and long, depending on the species that might grow big, i mean BIG
yep you need to go big like 300


Active Member
so anyway as said most do wash up on shore if they dont develop but if you said its moving it shouldnt be lobg then.. by the way do you have any clue what species your getting yourself into?? IMO not the best of ideas
i mean you can honestly have a stingray right now that will grow up to have a 14 foot wingspan!
also be prepared if its not eating to tube feed it, just liek you would a baby or hatchling shark

shark bait

Originally Posted by jakob
here is a pic.

UM that looks alot like a brown or catshark egg, they look Alot alike and the price is right. The chance that it lives is not great, It has be shown that more than half die from the stress of birth and or poor water. I would talk tothe LFS today and bring it back.


Originally Posted by psusocr1
this cannot be a stingray egg.. its impossible! stingrays bear live young... you have been fooled and it looks liek a shark egg!
no that is a stingray egg...also called a mermaids purse...rays usually lay them in a grassy area or an area the egg will get tangled up in until it hatches...not all stingrays give live birth


Active Member
yes i read the links ... i gaver the warnign because "aquarium" stingrays bear live young( cali, yellow,bullseye),, which goes back to my point he could potentially have a MONSTER on his hands.. if it were to live


Originally Posted by jrthomas40
no that is a stingray egg...also called a mermaids purse...rays usually lay them in a grassy area or an area the egg will get tangled up in until it hatches...not all stingrays give live birth
it looks like a mermaids purse to me too. these are from skates, however.