stingray goiter or hematoma?

peter ray

Last night my sting ray developed this large bump on the right side / top of to his eye. I heard him bang into the top of the glass the day before & thought he got a bump / hematoma injury. This morning he was still eating. Tonight when I was feeding I noticed the bump was much larger and extended to the underside. I have 2 pictures here. Is this a goiter or a hematoma?
Water parameters are normal. Salinity is also normal. I have had him over a year and a half with no problems what so ever. He is still trying to eat, but is having a problem opening his mouth. Can anyone help with what this could be? I don't want him to die or be in any pain. Medications?
Thank you.



Staff member
Peter, it seems unlikely that the bump comes from bumping the glass. Is it just a bump with no reddening or marks?
I'm going to copy your thread to the Aggressive Forum to see if hobbyists with specific exp. in rays can assist.

peter ray

This morning I took Peter Ray to a specialized vet hospital in Monterey, California. One of the doctors who looked at him is the staff doctor at the Monterey Bay Aquarium! Long story WAS a hematoma. I had several tests done including a biopsy. They drained the hematoma and are testing to make sure there is no internal infection. He also had an xray done to make sure nothing was broken. The doctors also tested the water and all was good.
Peter Ray is now back home and recovering in his tank. The swelling is way down and he is swimming slowly around. He'll try eating tomorrow. For those of you interested...he rode up in my car in a 4' cooler with a battery operated pump. Pretty cool setup!


Originally Posted by Peter Ray
This morning I took Peter Ray to a specialized vet hospital in Monterey, California. One of the doctors who looked at him is the staff doctor at the Monterey Bay Aquarium! Long story WAS a hematoma. I had several tests done including a biopsy. They drained the hematoma and are testing to make sure there is no internal infection. He also had an xray done to make sure nothing was broken. The doctors also tested the water and all was good.
Peter Ray is now back home and recovering in his tank. For those of you interested...he rode up in my car in a 4' cooler with a battery operated pump. Pretty cool setup!
I am very glad he is doing better!!!


Originally Posted by Peter Ray
thanks a lot! I am too! He's a great stingray!!! :cheer:
I absolutely love rays. Please keep us posted on his health and recovery