Stingray jumped out of tank


I had my stingray eating out of my hand doing awesome swimming alot in my 125gal. Came home tonight and he was on the floor... Dead.... I know some jump but I'd had him for a while with no jumping. If I do decide to get another one do I need to make sure that I have NO escape route????


Originally Posted by AW2
If one jumped, another will too, given the chance.

Yea as much as I loved him I don't think I'm going to get another one. The 125 would have housed him for about 2 yrs but he would have needed another bigger tank which I gladly would have gotten.... But guess it just wasn't meant to be


Active Member
Originally Posted by jr2857
is there some sort of a hood or an opened top tank??? :notsure:
Thats what I'm wondering too. The ray could have hit the hood at full blast and opened it up and flip right out on the floor.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
Thats what I'm wondering too. The ray could have hit the hood at full blast and opened it up and flip right out on the floor.
duck tape it


Active Member
I have a question...what is a "comfotorable" sized tank for a ray, I know you want length and width more than height


Originally Posted by sharkguy22
What kind of ray is it? Looks like an atlantic from that pic?
Yes it WAS an atlantic til he committed suicide


Originally Posted by sharkguy22
Sucks, I recently just seen 1 for the first time.

Yea he was so awesome and so tame.... I had just put a yellow tang in with him and thats the only difference in the tank. I put the tang in 2 days before he jumped