stingray question



its takes years of research, tons of money, patience, and work. You have to be a mature, responsible adult to keep sharks. They are very different from anything else you could keep. i'm sure that some day you will appreciate the animals a little more. it is obvious that you have spent some time in you childhood life reading up, but its going to take a lot more. hey, i'm on your side here. keep up the good work, and someday, if you're still into it, you could keep a shark or two. good luck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NEreef
its takes years of research, tons of money, patience, and work. You have to be a mature, responsible adult to keep sharks. They are very different from anything else you could keep. i'm sure that some day you will appreciate the animals a little more. it is obvious that you have spent some time in you childhood life reading up, but its going to take a lot more. hey, i'm on your side here. keep up the good work, and someday, if you're still into it, you could keep a shark or two. good luck.
i've already done months of reaserch just because sharks are awesome fish. it's possible to put one in a normal swimming pools like mattej has. it saves a TON of money but might not be the most effecient


months of research isn't going to cut it. plus, if you're looking for ways to save money, sharks aren't a good hobby. honestly no offense is meant here, but what kind of concept of money can you possibly have?
are your parents into this stuff too?


Active Member
I can see your only 12 and probably in 5th or 6th grade. IMO I really dont think that young of a kid should try sharks, wait untill you get more advance class(chemistry, biology, physics,ect). You aren't going to need months of research....your going to need YEARS! Money is the biggest problem. You are going to need to think about what size pool to buy, filtration, the sharks enviroment, foods, and the livestock. I can see you dont have a job and that your parents are giving you the money for your tank now, what are they going to do when you tell them you want a shark/stingray pond? They may get excited but wait until they find out how much it cost. Do you even have the room for a pond? Dont take it the wrong way but please use your common sense. There are tons of fish to choose from out there that are more cooler then sharks.


sorry DrewCo
jr, like i said, keep up the good work. we're on your side.


what school? i hope you don't mean junior high, or even high school.
seriously, tell me about it. i'm interested.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jr2857
well they can supply the money if i get into some real advanced class in school.
So whats that mean to me? Do you know that you will make it in the advance classes? I dont think schools are going to give you money to help with your lil fishies, they will however give you scholarships.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jr2857
i don't plan on keeping like black tips or something. probably a bamboo.
Blacktip, horn sharks, bamboo, banded, and even coral need years for researching up on.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
I can see your only 12 and probably in 5th or 6th grade. IMO I really dont think that young of a kid should try sharks, wait untill you get more advance class(chemistry, biology, physics,ect). You aren't going to need months of research....your going to need YEARS! Money is the biggest problem. You are going to need to think about what size pool to buy, filtration, the sharks enviroment, foods, and the livestock. I can see you dont have a job and that your parents are giving you the money for your tank now, what are they going to do when you tell them you want a shark/stingray pond? They may get excited but wait until they find out how much it cost. Do you even have the room for a pond? Dont take it the wrong way but please use your common sense. There are tons of fish to choose from out there that are more cooler then sharks.
first i'm in 7th. second the money can be provided please view the earlier post. also i planned out the whole thing already. i went to my lfs and saw a tank $2500 (220 gallon) my mom said i could get but i don't plan on getting that one. next i have the room for this swimming pool or tank. last there is 75/25 shark to aggressive tank i want to get so i met not get a shark tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by jr2857
last there is 75/25 shark to aggressive tank i want to get so i met not get a shark tank

Can you restate that again? Go so I'm sorry for calling you a little kid but please under stand what you are getting in to. No one is telling you that you cant get a shark, go get one if you want but remember sharks aren't play things....


Active Member
ok that means there is 75% ill get a shark tank/pool 25% some other type of fish tank. i know sharks aren't toys or video games. i know how to get it right for the shark and make sure everything is perfect.


you're doing this soon!?
are your parents experienced with sharks?


Active Member
Originally Posted by NEreef
you're doing this soon!?
are your parents experienced with sharks?
well they know nothing about fish and i plan on doing this in about 3-5 months


Active Member
Originally Posted by NEreef
what do your parents do? if you don't mid me asking?
they own a restaurant AND they are in some type of computer thing. my dad lost his job a few months ago but will be a realtor sometime this year.