what would be the best/hardy stingray to get?
i have seen the blue dot, and the california one?
and how hard is it to take care of?
by the way i have a 240 gallon (8x2x2)
I had a blue spot before , but I got lucky and I got an agressive eater. I recently got a california in my 240 and hes doing great. Its the hardiest stingray Ive ever had so far. He so far eats krill and silverside.
I have bioball filteration with 55 gall sump, protein, uv, and a sock. Theres damsels and a goldstripe maroon in there. I plan to get more calirays in there and try to make a group of them. Also does anyone ever had a dwarf angel with stingrays. I'm asking becuase I would like to get a flame angel in there also?