
I purchased what I believe was called a "electric blue stingray" Does anybody have one of these? How big do they get? How are they fed? and What do they like to eat? Please any body????
are you sure its not just a blue spotted, or a blue spotted ribbon tale ray?
if its a ribbontale they dont live that long in any aquariums, no matter what level of experties the keeper is at. they are very hard to get to feed. i fed mine blood worms and ghost shrimp...believe me i spent over 50 bucks buying diff. foods to ge her to eat. sh she died a few months latter. they get atleast 27 inches long with a disk width of 11 inches.but for the tank size ur going to need atleast a 300 gallon. i truely belive they should be left in the reef.
if its a blue spot they are a little bit easier to keep, but still hard to get too feed. blue spots get up to 40 inches long....ur going to need a tank atleast a 300 gallon. again i really think any ray should be left on the reef... unless put in a aquarium like novices...over 100 gallons. and very good water quality and takin good care of, as far as tank mates and food.
yeah, I'm not sure maybe is blue spotted... Is about the size of a mans hand without the fingers 4" to 5" inches round the tail is not pointed, it has a rounded tail and spots all over his body... is in a 90gl. I had it for about five days... I havent seen it eat. unless It's a night feeder??? any other good suggestions..............:notsure:


My yellow stingray eats mostly silversides. When I first got him he didn't eat right away and I tried live ghost shrimp to get him to hunt. You could also try soaking its food in that garlic stuff they sell(can't remember the name) some folks have had luck with that. Now, this isn't meant to bash you, but you may want to consider returning it because they are so difficult. I think the only one I've heard of doing well for a year was JIM27's and he lost his after about a year. Whatever you decide good luck and just keep trying different foods.:thinking:

tony detroit

Active Member
My ray didn't eat for about a week - 10 days, I can't remember but it did take a long time. If they don't eat the food right away take it out so it doesn't decay. Try uncooked shrimp with the tail and skin peeled off or squid tubes/tenticles from the grocery store. My cali ray loves both. Keep the swimming area open and keep fine sand particles as opposed to jagged edge crushed coral.
Just curious - what type of fish do you have in there? If you have triggers, puffers, angels especially , watch them they may nip at the eyes/disc.
Also if you can take him back to the lfs now and get your money back that would probably be your best step. Sea world has a hard time keeping those rays. It is almost guaranteed he will not live over a year. Hopefully you will have success getting him to eat if the lfs won't take him back. I would have one if I thought it was feasible. For more help purchase the book Aquarium Sharks and Rays by Scott Michael.