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Compatibility charts are ok for newbs, but overall I don't put much stock in them. According to the chart you posted, a large naso would be a no-no with a ray but a queen angel would be ok.
its the stress level and temperaments that make up some of the compatibility for each species not just size alone... now i have kept tangs, lions, and several other species of fish etc with sharks with no issues but a ray is not a shark they have a completely different behavioral patern.. and the chart does not say these species would be ok they state a caution in doing so.
basically meaning it may or may not work depending on each individual fishes temperament.. keep a close eye on these fish if put them together remove at signs of aggressions our stress.
you must also take into consideration of the differences between the large angel and the larger tangs/surgeons
tangs and surgeons have razor barbs for protection these could also injure the rays.. you must consider the health and safety of all species on both sides