Stingy Wingy needs a friend!!!! help....


i have a california stingray and i was wanting some type of eel, but im not sure which, if any, to put with my stingray... any suggestions???? get it get it.....


Originally Posted by Quakstar
really it all depends on tank size, rock work
The tank is 135 and there is almost no rock on the bottom of the tank, all of the rock is off the bottom. Maybe 6 or 7 pieces and they are all in the corner. There is about 75 lbs of LR but its up off the sand.I was wanting an eel but I do not know if he will mess with the ray.


Active Member
Originally Posted by blue78vette
The tank is 135 and there is almost no rock on the bottom of the tank, all of the rock is off the bottom. Maybe 6 or 7 pieces and they are all in the corner. There is about 75 lbs of LR but its up off the sand.I was wanting an eel but I do not know if he will mess with the ray.
You'll hear in this thread that a 135 gallon tank is not large enough to keep a stingray for the long-term.
That being said, I have found rays and eels to be pretty good tankmates, assuming that neither is large enough to try to eat the other. All eels will occasionally bite at tankmates during feeding, just because their eyesight stinks, but it shouldn't pose any significant risk.


yeah plus sting rays need alot of sand bottom to play on and an eel needs rock work to hide in but if you are going to try it get yourself a top and put a 10-11 in snowflake in


Active Member
you want to make sure you dont have slow bottom swimmers in the tank with him because rays like to ambush feed they hover above the fish and float down right on top of them to feed..larger and not small enough to fit into their mouths .. although they can take out larger damsels clowns small angels etc..
this is composite of what i have noted on a computability chart
all fish that are possible to be housed with sharks and rays but with caution(this means may not work but has been done succesfully)
large angels
all other species are not compatible
hope this helps


Active Member
Originally Posted by unleashed
you want to make sure you dont have slow bottom swimmers in the tank with him because rays like to ambush feed they hover above the fish and float down right on top of them to feed..larger and not small enough to fit into their mouths .. although they can take out larger damsels clowns small angels etc..
this is composite of what i have noted on a computability chart
all fish that are possible to be housed with sharks and rays but with caution(this means may not work but has been done succesfully)
large angels
all other species are not compatible
hope this helps

You forgot most tangs, batfish, many butterflies, cowfish, boxfish... can't think of others right now but I'm sure there are some.
I also disagree that large angels and parrots are compatible with rays. I wouldn't recommend them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
You forgot most tangs, batfish, many butterflies, cowfish, boxfish... can't think of others right now but I'm sure there are some.
I also disagree that large angels and parrots are compatible with rays. I wouldn't recommend them.

this isnt my list its from an unmentionable source... i could not copy the link or the chart


Active Member
Originally Posted by unleashed
this isnt my list its from an unmentionable source... i could not copy the link or the chart
Compatibility charts are ok for newbs, but overall I don't put much stock in them. According to the chart you posted, a large naso would be a no-no with a ray but a queen angel would be ok.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Compatibility charts are ok for newbs, but overall I don't put much stock in them. According to the chart you posted, a large naso would be a no-no with a ray but a queen angel would be ok.

its the stress level and temperaments that make up some of the compatibility for each species not just size alone... now i have kept tangs, lions, and several other species of fish etc with sharks with no issues but a ray is not a shark they have a completely different behavioral patern.. and the chart does not say these species would be ok they state a caution in doing so.
basically meaning it may or may not work depending on each individual fishes temperament.. keep a close eye on these fish if put them together remove at signs of aggressions our stress.
you must also take into consideration of the differences between the large angel and the larger tangs/surgeons
tangs and surgeons have razor barbs for protection these could also injure the rays.. you must consider the health and safety of all species on both sides