Stirring the political pot


Active Member
I try not to pay attention until the candidates are narrowed down and forgive me if this is old news but I saw this picture and can't believe it.
Note the posture of Obama as the National Anthem is played. Richardson knew where the camera was though. Unbelievable.


Active Member
I can see it. If it was the pledge of allegiance to the flag his career would be over ... but you're only required to stand for the national anthem.


Active Member
Originally Posted by phelpz
He's not going to win anyways.
So whats it matter?
It doesn't. How much for your crystal ball?


I can't see the pic either, just the big green ball sticking it's tongue out????


Active Member
I hope the dems aren't foolish enough to pick Hillarbeast over Biden or Obama. I'd rather keep the money me, my wife, my son and his wife and two kids will be donating to the Republican candidate if she is the dem candidate.


Active Member
I had heard that he "refuses to pledge to the US flag", but I thought it was just a bunch of crap. This pic could really be anything, but if this rumor is, surely he would not have gotten this far if it were. But if it is, this would be a joke if he wins.
The workers at the McDonald's drive thru can't even understand my order because they don't speak English, and now this.
and don't get me started on Hillary


Active Member
Good link Happy...
Watch the YouTube Video.

Where the heck was this event (I was about to type my thoughts, but I'll refraim)


Active Member
I'm sorry but what an idiot! He already put his foot in his mouth with the answer he gave about not wearing a flag pin. This just reinforces the notion that he somehow disrespects the flag and patriotic traditions. Probably isn't a huge deal in a Democrat primary but come general election time it could come back to haunt him.


Active Member
What is the deal this go around....Is this the best that either party can come up with

If there were some really good Independant to come in right now, he/she could probably make a clean sweep.
This is rediculous...makes me not even want to go out and vote, other than to make sure I'm casting "against" some of those on the ballot.


Active Member
Originally Posted by phelpz
I'm going with Kucinich 'cause his wife is hot.
Never heard of her, but I looked her up. I'll still take my wife 7 days a week, and twice on Sunday's. Red don't do it for me..........


Active Member
Originally Posted by phelpz
I'm going with Kucinich 'cause his wife is hot.
lol she even has that really hot accent! I wonder what got her, the UFOs he saw? Or what?