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That's about how well the superglue idea went over
I know, I'm really trying. I'm getting better though
I'll get a pic tomorrow. I'm sure he will look like Opie Taylor on that episode where he fights the bully
LOL yeah, it happens though. They are kids! My son has done some doozies to himself. If it isn't a gaping hole then I take care of it myself. We went camping last weekend. It was a campground, our area was not a long walk from the area where there is a pool, slide, meri-go-round, a jungle gym-type- thing, and swings. There is also a game room down there. He will be thirteen next month. I let him go off with his friend who will be 12. The first time he came back he had an egg on his head. He was on a swing, swung too close to the bar and whacked his head. I gave him some Advil. The next time he went down he came back with this big red mark on his neck and his arm hurt. He was acting foolish and somehow, don't ask how, ended up going down the slide on his stomach, got caught up and skidded his neck down it. LOL Yep, I let him go back. He came back missing a toenail this time. Not just a clipping. The whole damn nail was GONE. He clipped it on a rock. He asked to go back YET AGAIN (this was over the whole weekend). I had to say no. I told him he will come back missing an ear or something
Boys are boys. Incidents happen.