Stitches or not?


Active Member
My 5 yr. old was jumping on the trampoline tonight, with the water hose, fell can guess the rest. Anyway, the cut is on his "eyelid". To even see it, he has to close his eye, then I have to separate the skin. Yes, it's a pretty nice gap. Anywhere else on the body, I'd say it would take maybe two to three stitches. My wife thru a fit, wanting to rush him to the ER, but I held my ground. First, it's not bleeding, but it is a gap. Second, it's in his eye lid, so no scar is ever going to show. Thoughts


Active Member
i would be more worried about the eye and tetanus... when was his last booster, is the eye scratched and is his sight good???


I have pushed big cuts together then superglued the top skin together before
and as far as stitches go you have to have them within a few hours or they wont do it
I dont know if i would use superglue by his eyeball mybe if it was up high but yeh I dunno


was it bleeding after it happen.
I was always told the longer it takes to bleed the deeper the gash is.
if there is a gap around the eye like you describe though I would deffinately have it looked at by a doctor once it starts to sweel up it can leave it open for infection to take hold and become real nasty/


Active Member
My son was about 3 and I was chasing him around the house. He fell and hit his head on a door corner, right across his eyebrow. We took care of the cut but were not sure, like you, whether to take him in or not. It was about 3/4" inch long. A couple days later we were at the ped. for a check up and we asked about his cut. She said, "well it can always be that mysterious scar that he won't talk about to drive the ladies crazy." Sure enough he has that scar today, and he is 15.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
i would be more worried about the eye and tetanus... when was his last booster, is the eye scratched and is his sight good???
He's good on all his shots and tetanus
Originally Posted by markeo99
I have pushed big cuts together then superglued the top skin together
I dont know if i would use superglue by his eyeball mybe if it was up high but yeh I dunno
From all of my scout training, that was the first thing I thought about..Superglue. Wife had a hissy fit when I even mentioned it. But I guess she's right, we are not in the jungle.
Originally Posted by MichaelTX

was it bleeding after it happen.
I was always told the longer it takes to bleed the deeper the gash is.
if there is a gap around the eye like you describe though I would deffinately have it looked at by a doctor once it starts to sweel up it can leave it open for infection to take hold and become real nasty/
It bled for about 10-15 min. Gash is about 3/4" long and about 1/4 deep. He's in bed now, but we cleaned it pretty good and there is no more bleeding at all. The cut is on the upper part of the eyelid, right where it meets the face. So even when he's asleep, his eyelid creases keep it closed up. I have to spread the skin apart to even see the gap. That's why I think it's a waste of time to go sit in the ER for 5 hours.
Originally Posted by Scotts

My son was about 3 and I was chasing him around the house. He fell and hit his head on a door corner, right across his eyebrow. We took care of the cut but were not sure, like you, whether to take him in or not. It was about 3/4" inch long. A couple days later we were at the ped. for a check up and we asked about his cut. She said, "well it can always be that mysterious scar that he won't talk about to drive the ladies crazy." Sure enough he has that scar today, and he is 15.
The ladies would have to look hard to even see this one. I'm sure he's going to have a black eye tomorrow, and every Mom walking by is going to look at me like I'm a child abuser, but with the day Iv'e had, I might just respond to the first chick that even turns our way

payton 350

keep it infection there would be may want to see your doc to get some antibiotics just in case......and use neosporin


Active Member
There's not much funny about this, but, if anything, here the wife was screaming at me about the "superglue" idea, all I could think about was trying to find the dang camera to put a pic up on here to get you guy's opinion. Needless to say, that didn't help matters at the moment. I'll get a pic tomorrow when she's not around


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
The ladies would have to look hard to even see this one. I'm sure he's going to have a black eye tomorrow, and every Mom walking by is going to look at me like I'm a child abuser, but with the day Iv'e had, I might just respond to the first chick that even turns our way

I hear you. My wife was on a business trip with a rental car and hit her eye on the corner of the door. She of course got a shiner and everybody that it was from me.

Hmmm what is it with my family and door corners.


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
There's not much funny about this, but, if anything, here the wife was screaming at me about the "superglue" idea, all I could think about was trying to find the dang camera to put a pic up on here to get you guy's opinion. Needless to say, that didn't help matters at the moment.
That would go over like a fart in church.


It doesn't sound that bad to me, in all honesty. Keep an eye on it. If you see it getting red and infected then take him to get antibiotics. I don't think it will though, just keep it clean. Neopsporin does help. Any injury to the head bleeds worse than a cut elsewhere. It often looks worse than it really is.
Also, stop beating your children and blaming it on the trampoline

kidding, kidding


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scotts
That would go over like a fart in church.
That's about how well the superglue idea went over

Originally Posted by sepulatian

It doesn't sound that bad to me, in all honesty.
Also, stop beating your children and blaming it on the trampoline

kidding, kidding

I know, I'm really trying. I'm getting better though

I'll get a pic tomorrow. I'm sure he will look like Opie Taylor on that episode where he fights the bully


Originally Posted by T316
That's about how well the superglue idea went over

I know, I'm really trying. I'm getting better though

I'll get a pic tomorrow. I'm sure he will look like Opie Taylor on that episode where he fights the bully

LOL yeah, it happens though. They are kids! My son has done some doozies to himself. If it isn't a gaping hole then I take care of it myself. We went camping last weekend. It was a campground, our area was not a long walk from the area where there is a pool, slide, meri-go-round, a jungle gym-type- thing, and swings. There is also a game room down there. He will be thirteen next month. I let him go off with his friend who will be 12. The first time he came back he had an egg on his head. He was on a swing, swung too close to the bar and whacked his head. I gave him some Advil. The next time he went down he came back with this big red mark on his neck and his arm hurt. He was acting foolish and somehow, don't ask how, ended up going down the slide on his stomach, got caught up and skidded his neck down it. LOL Yep, I let him go back. He came back missing a toenail this time. Not just a clipping. The whole damn nail was GONE. He clipped it on a rock. He asked to go back YET AGAIN (this was over the whole weekend). I had to say no. I told him he will come back missing an ear or something

Boys are boys. Incidents happen.


Active Member
I've used crazy glue for a bandage a few times. There is a modified version that is used for medical bandages. I think the only difference is the glue version heats up as it sets.
I wouldn't worry about stitches. Perhaps your doc will give you a scrip for some kind of salve you can use on it to prevent infections.

nacl freak

Any trama around the eye, even slight, should be assessed by a physician! There can be internal problems. the eye itself is like a water balloon. It can burst or get a small laceration and leak viterous fluid. Don't take a chance with your sons eye. I agree they won't suture his eye lid, but you need to make sure he didn't have damage to retina or optic disk as these are very fragil. Don't mean to panic you. Only advise. Sight is a precious gift.


i would wait to go to the doc till it gets worse. but you should get him a eye patch just for fun...every little kid likes pirates


Active Member
Originally Posted by Payton 350
keep it infection there would be may want to see your doc to get some antibiotics just in case......and use neosporin
Antibiotics are not indicated here. The wound should be seen within 2-4 hours to determine how to repair.

nacl freak

OK let me tell you about a
little fellow I took care of in the hospital. only one of several
Three years old and had to have his eye surgically removed. He had fallen and hit his eyebrow on the side of a slide. NO cut, no bruise only redness. He hadn't even cried. Well the day after, his mom noticed him rubbing at his eye. She had totally forgotten about the fall the day before. She saw nothing wrong when she looked at his eye. Thought nothing of it until the next daywhen he was again rubbing at his eye. All said and done he had lacerated his eye from 12:00 to 3:00 his retina had disloded. The docs tried to save his eye but the trauma had gone to long without intervention.