STN infection...


I know there's tons of debate over RTN/STN...and still no documented causes or cures.
Instead of the knee jerk reaction to just frag the piece...I’m going to try to do something else, see if it works, if the infection/whatever it is, gets worse, I’ll start sniping it up...
I believe this started, when a red mushroom was rubbing against the base, it then started there, and is working its way up.
I've done a 30% WC, parameters are fine, not wasting my time typing them all out...
Doubled up on Carbon...
I'm going to give it a dip into "Revive Coral Cleaner"
Then put around the area of infection, and slightly above, some 'Original Neosporin'. If it's a bacterial related, a good antibiotic like this 'may' work...we will see.
I'll post some images...
Hopefully a cure will be found some day.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
I have read that some have had success with using super glue above or below infected areas to stop its spread.However I've never tried it so i cant say if it works or not.You could try and do a google search on it if your interested in trying this.
"One thing thats worked for me in the past Shaneo, is to take to coral thats got stn out of water, and superglue one the affected area, slightly into good areas. This effectively sterilises the area, stops the STN, and allows the coral to heal, and it will over grow on top of the superglued area- really effective!!!
My green slimer, the big one, was healed this way after doing exactly as you descibe above."


Active Member
I would not put anything "anti-biotic" into a system that uses bacteria to breakdown and process waste. Big mistake IMO. Might kill way more beneficial bacteria and cause a cycle. Plus, if it is caused by the mushroom, there is nothing bacterial about the cause of the STN/RTN.


So, I put a blobs of superglue above where the STN was creeping up and then globed some 'Neosporin' over the area...2 days later no additional creeping, and the area where the tissue was pealing, is now a little darker...not sure what that means.
Plus, if it is caused by the mushroom, there is nothing bacterial about the cause of the STN/RTN.
Yes, you’re absolutely correct. However, there's nothing to say the mushroom didn’t rub too much, irritating the area of the acro, then allowing an infection, fungus, or whatever it is take over the acro.
As far as putting anti-biotics in the tank. Well, yes, this was a concern of mine...but the ammount that goes in, doubt it will cause a problem. Plus a few months ago, i accidently had a huge blob on my finger, that went cycle...don’t ask how it happened.


Yea, so today, I got thinking, Neosporin never worked well, unless you put a bandage over it(obviously this was because it keep the neosporin next to the skin, so it couldent get wiped away)...So how would I do that here?
So I put some more on, then poured over the neosporin, superglue liquid, and pour over it water, then glue, then add a couple layers of glue.


Well, RTN hasent peeked it's ugly head out past the glue/Neosporin line.
Obviously the glue(bandade patch) is still hanging on, so i'm not able to see underneath...but it dosnt appear to have continued up the branchs anymore.