Stock for new 125 DT


Hello everyone,
I am getting ready for the fun part! This is my first saltwater tank and I am very anxious to get started. I will have the 125 DT setup this weekend, I am adding cured live rock, live sand, sump, protein skimmer, etc... I already have a 29g QT tank set up and is finished cycling so I wanted opinions on a couple of things.
1) What do you suggest for a length of time to keep fish in QT? I ask this because I had thought about going ahead and getting first fish over the weekend and setting up in QT thinking that it should time out about right once my DT cycles to move him straight over.
2) I also would love to hear your opinions/suggestions on stock list, I plan on just a few larger semi-aggressive fish and here is what I am looking at right now and a couple of other thoughts:
Trigger ( Niger, Pinktail or Huma Huma)
Angel (Blue Line, Annularis or Scribbled)
Some type of Tang
Harlequin Tusk
I have researched and think these will do fine together. I want to have variety with lots of color and personalities, price is not a problem up to $300-$400 per fish is O.K. if they are a good fish to house (Of course can not see paying thousand or more).
Also, I had wondered about possibly an eel (Snowflake or Zebra) also maybe a puffer (Not sur about this) or any other suggestions.
3) Last question is that I understand that you need to add most aggressive fish last but I have read different opinions on these fiah that I plan to add and they all seem to be fish that people say to add last so what would your opinions be on the order?
Again, I only plan on having these 4-6 fish in the tank so I think the stock load should be sufficient.
Thanks for your time and I can't wait to hear opinions and suggestions.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Just because you added precurred rock doesnt mean you are ready for fish in a few days.
How did you make your water?
Patience is key to this hobby. If you have none you will break your heart and wallet many times over.
You need to let the tank cycle. It can take a few days very rare or it can take a few weeks which is the more constant.
Set up your tank. Let it run its course. Check your water parem's daily. Ammonia is the number 1 killer of any all things saltwater.
I think you know that already. But with your qt any fish you add may not be sick and then you may want to throw that fish right in your main tank. Id wait a few more weeks before you buy a fish so you dont get all ancy and rush things


Thanks for the reply. I may have not made myself clear.
I have a 29g QT that has been up and running for weeks and has already cycled. I was asking how long to QT new fish because I have heard as much as 6 weeks and if this is the case I thought about going ahead and putting my first fish in the QT while the DT is cycling since the cycle should take no more than 4-6 weeks using cured live rock.
Also, anyone with opinions to the other questions?
Thanks for any and all suggestions.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Some fish end up not having anything at all. Are you goin to put them through hypo regardless?
I think if you buy the fish as adults you may have issues. 4-6 large fish for your tank would be good. The eels are almost identical in length and aggression. Depends which you like more.
Id skip the tang. Get another angel. I dont really see a particluar order except maybe the angels.
I think a pink tail trigger would be different and neat.


Thanks again for the response. Why would you skip the tang? Is it because of disease issues? Also, would 2 angels be O.K. in a 125g?
Do you think there would be a problem with an eel and the other fish I am planning?
What about a puffer? I have heard different opinions on them but I think they are pretty cool so it was a thought.
Thanks again for your help.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Id go with two smaller angels under 10 inches instead of the bigger ones. a 125 is a decent sized tank but too small for the bigger angels IMO with other fish
I think two or even 3 Angels. 1 Medium sized angel and 1 or 2 smaller like a flameback or flame angel big difference. Maybe a bi color. Puffer. Trigger. and a eel would make your tank look great. Good some good rock with growth on it for color. Id get everthing as small as possible. Add them soon after each other angels being last.
Blue Striped
Bi Color/Flame or Flameback or all 3.
Puffer Hawaiin spotted are really pretty
Niger Trigger
Zebra Eel


Active Member
I want to add something about the eels. they are not all the same for aggession and/or are going to be the best off with a zebra eel. they are large and tend to be the most docile. They also don't tend to have those razor sharp teeth the dragon moray has so if you were to get bit you don't have to worry about bleeding like a seive.....just my .02.

crypt keeper

Active Member
I never said all eels are the same. I just said the SFE and zebra are about the same. They are both great community tank eels. Dragon will eat almost anything its worth


Okay read this thread twice and crypt keeper don't take it personally but seems to me you are being pretty tough for no apparent reason you are the only person that mentioned hypo treatment bigal is talking about putting a fish in quarantine while the tank completes it cycle absolutly nothing wrong with this at all
big al from the sounds of it you have planned well feel free to purchase your first fish if everything is good to go in your QT by the time your tank is ready to go then you will be able to introduce it and buy your second fish to go into QT. Then while the second fish is QTing the tank will have time to slowly start building for the eventual bioload
Some people dont do any sort of QT at all and I have been guilty of it as well but at least by doing so u both reduce the risk of introducing disease into the tank and also only placing strong specimens into the tank which will give u a better tank in the long run same approach i am taking with my current build

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by 00nothing
Okay read this thread twice and crypt keeper don't take it personally but seems to me you are being pretty tough for no apparent reason you are the only person that mentioned hypo treatment bigal is talking about putting a fish in quarantine while the tank completes it cycle absolutly nothing wrong with this at all
are you retarded? I asked him a question. Im glad that you have still reading comprehension issues after reading it twice. Some people put fish through hypo regardless if anything shows up in QT. What is so wrong with asking him that question? I will admit I did seem harsh at first and it was never my intention.


wow way to not take it personally but whatever I have been in this hobby long enough not to care all i was tryin to say was as good as some of your advice was it also seemed that you were deliberatly trying to make it sound like putting fish in QT while the display tank cycled was a bad thing but whatev no need to harp on about redundant crap
bigal good luck with your tank and make sure you post pics when u get your first fish


Thanks 00, I am setting up the tank this week, should have everything set up and running by Friday or Saturday. I will definitely post some pics but I do plan on QTing all livestock and with approx. 6 fish it will probably be 6-8 months before I get them all in the DT. I will post some progress pics in the meantime.
Again, thanks for everyone's help!


Active Member
Originally Posted by bigal0221
Hello everyone,
I am getting ready for the fun part! This is my first saltwater tank and I am very anxious to get started. I will have the 125 DT setup this weekend, I am adding cured live rock, live sand, sump, protein skimmer, etc... I already have a 29g QT tank set up and is finished cycling so I wanted opinions on a couple of things.
1) What do you suggest for a length of time to keep fish in QT? I ask this because I had thought about going ahead and getting first fish over the weekend and setting up in QT thinking that it should time out about right once my DT cycles to move him straight over.
Any fish should be quarantined for a minimum of three weeks, with 4 being better. It's not a large QT so purchase small specimens that you personally observe to be eating and at least outwardly healthy.
2) I also would love to hear your opinions/suggestions on stock list, I plan on just a few larger semi-aggressive fish and here is what I am looking at right now and a couple of other thoughts:
Trigger ( Niger, Pinktail or Huma Huma)
Angel (Blue Line, Annularis or Scribbled)
Some type of Tang
Harlequin Tusk
Niger/Pinktail; nice when small but have the capacity to become very aggressive as adults. They would eventually become cramped in a 125. Humu won't outgrow the tank but can be nasty when mature. I'd suggest a bluejaw for a relatively peaceful and attractive alternative.
Blueline angel; difficult to get healthy specimens. Annularis are pretty but it will be a large fish that will dominate the tank. Scribbleds are very nice, but not always available. Consider a majestic as an option. Drop dead colors and won't outgrow your tank. A tang would work well IMO. Yellow, purple, kole, mimic, to name a few. A tuskfish is a nice choice, but you're limited as to what inverts you can keep.
Also, I had wondered about possibly an eel (Snowflake or Zebra) also maybe a puffer (Not sur about this) or any other suggestions.
Nice fish. Be sure the tank is very well sealed. Some risk to fish tankmates if the eel is trying to latch onto food and mistakenly goes after a fish. Will eat some crabs/shrimp
3) Last question is that I understand that you need to add most aggressive fish last but I have read different opinions on these fiah that I plan to add and they all seem to be fish that people say to add last so what would your opinions be on the order?
Tusk, trigger, tang, angel. Depending on the size of the specimens. Smaller fish won't normally display adult behaviors. The tang and angel should be added only after the tank has been runing with consistantly stable parameters for a few months.
Again, I only plan on having these 4-6 fish in the tank so I think the stock load should be sufficient.
Thanks for your time and I can't wait to hear opinions and suggestions.
Hope that helps a bit


I think buying a fish and placing them in qt for 3-4 weeks will be fine. Like it was stated earlier, by the time the 1st fish is ready for the DT tank and you purchase the 2nd fish and it stays in QT for 3-4 weeks the tank will be adjusting gradually to the fish load. Good luck and welcome to the hobby! I started with a 60gal and about 2 months later jumped to a 125gal!


Active Member
I never saw an answer to your question on why you shouldn't get a tang. IMO, the mix in your original post would be fine. If you want a tang, I see no reason not to get one...its your tank. It sounds like you're really doing this right; asking questions first will avoid many common problems.


My LFS is coming out to help set up tank and they are bringing the water. He keeps RO and pre-mixed water at his shop that he sells, .30 per gallon RO and .75 per gallon SW. I bought the SW from him that I used to start my QT.
Also, thanks of the help with the stock list. I am with you srfisher, everything that I have read suggests that this stock list should be fine. I have decided against the eel or puffer and will probably add a semi-aggressive Butterfly such as the Saddleback, Fox Face or both.
Thanks again for everyones help!