Stock list for 150g FOWLR tank

good alex

Im having a hard time figuring out my stocklist for my 150g FOWLR tank
4horseshoe crabs
1cleaner shrimp
20turbo snails
1cleaner wrasse
1six line wrasse
1scooter blenny(m)
1powder blue tang
1yellow tang
4perc clownfish
1unknown angelfish
flame angel
some feather dusters
3more cleaner shrimp
scooter blenny(f)
copperbanded butterfly
longnose butterfly
orange linckia starfish
more rock
If you want to see the unknown angelfish
can you tell me if these fish and inverts will work out? thanks in advance


Goodness, 4 horseshoe crabs? They will decimate your tank when they grow... Also 15 fish seems a little hefty for a 150 gallon, long term.

good alex

ya i kno how big they get but it takes a really long time for them to reach a big enough size for me to want to sell them, besides ive had them for a year and a half and there only a inch long.
but what im really worried about is the angelfish and the feather dusters, will that work out??

good alex

I kno i should have one, and im goin to the store to get one right now, what size QT should i get inorder to quarantine my upcoming fish, or if one of my origonal fish gets sick? And I read in the FAQ fourms that the filter dosent mater, are they saying that the tank just needs water circulation or does it need a filter like a bio wheel or something.

good alex

i got th QT set up and for my dt i ordered a 150g pro clear skimmer, do you know if this is a good brand name??


A filter isn't needed in the QT until there is fish in it, then I'd either go with a cheap HOB or just a sponge/air pump.
Don't know much about skimmers.