Stock list for 155...Advice?


I thought I'd try this again. Here is my wishlist for eventual livestock in my 155 gallon reef in the order that I thought I'd introduce them. Various corals to be introduced intermittently.
3 Emerald Crabs
7 Peppermint Shrimp
2 Percula Clownfish
Various Snails
Springeri Dottyback
3 Banggai Cardinals
Midas Blenny
Pink Spotted Shrimpgoby
Tiger Pistol Shrimp
Spotted Mandarin Dragonet
Tennent Tang
Kole Tang
Doctor Fish
Eibli or Midnight Angel
Fromia Starfish
Pincushion Urchin
I'd like to hear peoples opinions. Thanks!
looks like an ok list, You might rethink the angels as they may/may not nip at corals. Otherwise what is a doctor fish???


It's a tang referred to as Doctor Fish according to this site. It's latin name is Acanthurus Chirurgus.


Actually the Doctorfish gets a little bigger than I am comfortable with so I thought I might go with a small school of anthias instead. Would this work with my tank?