Stock list for 37g


Hey all,
Im in the process for waiting for my LR to arrive but i might as well work on my stock list which wont be started on for at least a month. Please tell me if there are too many fish/bioload. I do plan to have a reef.
2 clownfish (pair, leaning towards clarkiis or percs)
1 yellow clown goby
1 six-line wrasse
1 pygmy angel (tank too small for this one?)
3 blue chromis
1-2 shrimp (unsure which)
various snails/crabs
I believe that your list is a bit much. What kind of filtration will you have on this tank? You have more fish planned for your 37 than I have in my 120... Stick with the clowns (they are always good) and a few chromis if thats what you like. The shrimp and snails will be fine. Is there one fish that you like the most?


Active Member
the sixline might make a meal out of your shrimps
id say
2 percs
pygmy angel
and chromis/ or clown goby
ind shrimp and snails would be fine.


Active Member
lose the chromis and I'd consider that fully stocked. pygme angel is fine if your talking about a cherub. they usually dont get but a couple inches. mean little fish though. get it last!


thanks for the replies.. i dont mind shrinking my stock list.
Im waiting on 50# LR and I plan to run 2 Emperor 280 filters. I have the Octo 100 skimmer but its a huge eyesore and I plan to sell it.
Yes, the cherub angelfish was indeed the one I was looking at:
2 clownfish
1 cherub angel
1 yellow clown goby or firefish or 3 chromis
1 misc fish (suggestions?)
1-2 shrimp
various snails/crabs
If I dont get a wrasse, would I be able to get an anthias or do they get too big?

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Stanlalee
lose the chromis and I'd consider that fully stocked. pygme angel is fine if your talking about a cherub. they usually dont get but a couple inches. mean little fish though. get it last!
They are a flat out tyrant and shouldnt be kept with other aggressive fish in a smallish tank. The percs will fight it to the death.
Id go with a Flame angel. More docile. Colorful and flat out cooler


Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
They are a flat out tyrant and shouldnt be kept with other aggressive fish in a smallish tank. The percs will fight it to the death.
Not necessarily true. As stated, add the angel last and you should be okay. IME, these little angels, while feisty, can get along well with other established fish. I've kept cherub angels with clowns before w/o incident. I'd pare the list down a bit. I'm not a big fan of chromis, and in many cases they tend to pick each other off until there is a lone survivor. The clowns, angel and sixline would be colorful and give the tank a lot of activity. A small goby might be at risk from the sixline, which can be nasty in smaller tanks. Another consideration would be a midas blenny. Hardy, active, colorful and interesting behavior.


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
They are a flat out tyrant and shouldnt be kept with other aggressive fish in a smallish tank. The percs will fight it to the death.
Id go with a Flame angel. More docile. Colorful and flat out cooler
+1 on the Flame Angel! Very nice fish.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by nicetry
Not necessarily true. As stated, add the angel last and you should be okay. IME, these little angels, while feisty, can get along well with other established fish. I've kept cherub angels with clowns before w/o incident. I'd pare the list down a bit. I'm not a big fan of chromis, and in many cases they tend to pick each other off until there is a lone survivor. The clowns, angel and sixline would be colorful and give the tank a lot of activity. A small goby might be at risk from the sixline, which can be nasty in smaller tanks. Another consideration would be a midas blenny. Hardy, active, colorful and interesting behavior.
Everything has just about been done in our hobby. They are aggressive as well. Something like a flame would be way better off. Also a small goby would get murdered by the clowsn and six line. I had a sixline beat the hell out of my yasha. Then My cowns beat up a smaller yellow watchmen once I took the sixline out. Any smaller docile fish doesnt stand a chance with that mix


Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
Everything has just about been done in our hobby. They are aggressive as well. Something like a flame would be way better off. Also a small goby would get murdered by the clowsn and six line. I had a sixline beat the hell out of my yasha. Then My cowns beat up a smaller yellow watchmen once I took the sixline out. Any smaller docile fish doesnt stand a chance with that mix
There are no absolutes in this hobby, but you're making absolute statements. Perhaps you had a murderous pair of clowns but IME ocellaris are among the most peaceful of the family. I stated that a small goby may be at risk. I've kept several sixlines and while some have been very aggressive, a few have been model citizens. Would I risk a small peaceful goby with one? Likely not. Much also depends on the order of introduction and I'll normally suggest that a sixline or centropyge be added last, simply due to their territorial nature. I've had flame angels that were horrible to other fish. This can hold true for many members of the genus. It is not a "given" that either of these fish would kill another, although it might happen. Not sure what part of my post you didn't understand. As with most things, your mileage may vary.


Based on what Ive heard thus far.. a list without the goby.
2 clownfish
1 flame angel or 1 cherub angel
1 six-line wrasse
1-2 shrimp
various snials/crabs
Do anthias get too big for a 37g? Would a lyretail work? Woudl the wrasse and angel get along?
I will continue to look at the fish list on for ideas.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dskrezyna
Based on what Ive heard thus far.. a list without the goby.
2 clownfish
1 flame angel or 1 cherub angel
1 six-line wrasse
1-2 shrimp
various snials/crabs
Do anthias get too big for a 37g? Would a lyretail work? Woudl the wrasse and angel get along?
I will continue to look at the fish list on for ideas.
Anthias need a much larger system. The wrasse and angel can both have attitudes so there may be some squabbling. Adding them at the same time might help. Even once settled, they may square off from time to time but you'd have to wait and see. If one becomes too pushy, you'd have to remove it. It's a small system with not a lot of "get out of my way room", so aggression can be exacerbated. Again, no absolutes.


we were gonna get a six-line wrasse but when we went to order they were sold out. we ended up getting a twinspot hogfish and he RULES. very cool fish, very active and curious, eats readily, gets along with everything in the tank (clowns, watchman, small gobies, lemonpeel angel).
you do have to be careful with them and small shrimp though.
some video of him and the lemonpeel:


What about these fish?
Bangaii cardinal
Pajama cardinal
Eibli angelfish
Fisheri angelfish
Yellow pygmy angelfish
2 clownfish
1 flame angel or 1 cherub angel
1 six-line wrasse
1-2 shrimp
various snials/crabs

Would both gobies and blennies get picked on with the fish in my list?
I know I can only have one angelfish. Appears angels and wrasses wouldn't get along based on these thread posts?
I have a sailfin blennie and no one bothers him. I find that the blennie is a great fish that should be a staple in peaceful tanks. My clowns have been together for about 6 months and they get along fine, now one of them is double in size from the other. As far as the angel I think the flame angel is great. The cardinals will work in that tank as well. Remember its truely a crap shot.


Originally Posted by dskrezyna
What about these fish?
I know I can only have one angelfish. Appears angels and wrasses wouldn't get along based on these thread posts?
our twinspot hogfish (pretty much a wrasse) and our lemonpeel angel got along fine. they actually spent a lot of time together cruising around and i thought for sure the angel would get sick of him and put the run to him but they seemed good buddies.


Originally Posted by dskrezyna
Hey all,
Im in the process for waiting for my LR to arrive but i might as well work on my stock list which wont be started on for at least a month. Please tell me if there are too many fish/bioload. I do plan to have a reef.
2 clownfish (pair, leaning towards clarkiis or percs)
1 yellow clown goby
1 six-line wrasse
1 pygmy angel (tank too small for this one?)

3 blue chromis
1-2 shrimp (unsure which)
various snails/crabs
I Actually have a 29 gallon and pretty much the same stock list as you have! haha!
I have at the moment 1 clown, 1 Chromis, 1 Sixline Wrasse, and another clown and dwarf angel to come. I wanted the Flame Angel because I have heard about its hit and miss with coral picking.
Hope you find the fish you want! I did..

I have asked a lot of questions and it seems this is my final batch of ideas until I move up to a 55 gallon.


Active Member
When I started in this hobby, I also had a 37gal that I loved!! My stock list included (in order of addition:
pair of false percs
royal gramma baslett
Coral beauty angel
red spotted sand perch (went carpet surfing one day...
Plus I had a very nice clean up crew assortment (purchased from this site) including a brittle star, emerald crabs (which I can never seem to keep), coral banded shrimp, and various other snails and hermits.
This made for a very colorful and active tank.
Hope this helps.