Stock list for 37g


Thanks for the replies. I just started to cycle my tank so it will be a little while befiore any fish are added BUT I will continue to work on the list!


Originally Posted by dskrezyna
What about these fish?
Bangaii cardinal
Pajama cardinal
Eibli angelfish
Fisheri angelfish
Yellow pygmy angelfish
I dont know much about the angels, but the pj cardinal or bangaii would be a good choice. I have two pj cardinals and they just hover in the same spot all day until dinner. They look really cool too.


One other thing on the angels to consider is that they are hit and miss with corals. Some angels are model reef citizens and don't pick on anything and some of the same species will pick on corals. It just depends on the individual fish. I love the dwarf angels but choose not to keep one because I don't want to take a chance with my corals.
Other than that the choices that you are considering look like good candidates, and you are getting good info on the downside of some of these fish.


Updated wanted stock list:
2 bicinctus clownfish
1 royal gramma
1 flame angel
fire or cleaner shrimp


I plan on buying a pair of clowns this week but am still unsure of the other few fish to get after them. I searched through the SWF list of fish and was attracted to the following:
Sixline wrasse
Purple pseudochromis
Neon dottyback
Royal gramma
Cherub angelfish
Blackcap basslet
I would only be interested in getting two at the most in the list above. I understand some of them can be aggressive towards fish and shrimp. Suggestions?


I'm not sure about all the concern w/ the clowns, and gobies, and sixlines.
I don't think they will have any problem getting along.
I have had 2 clowns, 1 firefish (purple), 1 sixline, 1 royal gramma without any problem.
Now I have 2clowns, 1 RG, purple FF, and a midas blenny, again w/ no problem. I did a lot of research and posted my stocklist as you did, and got the Go-ahead from ppl on this forum.
IDK if you can mix the dottyback, blackcap, adn pseduochrmois. I think it may not be good, idk though.
Also, don't think you are obligated to get one of those fish, there are plenty of other LFS's


Wondering if a Fridmani would mess with a Fire shrimp? I just ordered my first inhabitants yesterday (pair of clowns, fire shrimp and snails) and should get them on friday.
the purple on the fridmani is extravagant but ive been reading some reviews about their aggresiveness (being a dottyback and all..) and they were turning me off. :(
I was only looking for one of the three: dottyback, pseudo or basslet.
If any, im leaning towards the blackcap basslet.


Okay, I have a happy pair of bicinctus clownfish in my 37g with turbos/nassarius and hermits. I am looking to get two more fish and would like some suggestions.
Do NOT want:
Royal gramma
Looking at:
Blackcap basslet
Orchid dottyback (aka Fridmani)
Neon dottyback
Six-line wrasse
Rainsford's goby
Orange diamond goby
Cherub or flame angel but was suggested they need 55g
Unsure about
Bangaii cardinal
I understand those are aggressive and if I get one of them, they would be added last. I would only get one from the group of basslet/dottyback/wrasse.
Thus I need my 3rd fish to be anything other than what I don't want from above.



Originally Posted by dskrezyna
Unsure about
Bangaii cardinal
I understand those are aggressive and if I get one of them, they would be added last. I would only get one from the group of basslet/dottyback/wrasse.
Are you saying that you think the firefish and bangaii are aggressive? Or are you talking about something else?


Originally Posted by woody189
Are you saying that you think the firefish and bangaii are aggressive? Or are you talking about something else?
Im just saying im not all that into them and would lean towards not getting them.
I definately want four fish but I want to make sure that the 3rd and 4th fish are fish I REALLY want. Dont want to regret buying a fish I dont really want.