stock list for 60g hex

Hi , I'm turning my 60g hex tank into an aggressive tank and was wondering what I can put in there....I was thinking about a snowflake eel , dwarf or fu manchu lionfish , but what else? maybe a clown or wrasse??? any ideas?


New Member
since youve got yourself a weird footprint ( to look at). I was thinking of a frogfish or angler. a little soft sand, a cool LR mound and some macroalgae to decorate. then get a High Color angler as the centerpeice. that would look cool. And be a great size tank for it to grow into.

it's chuck

I would suggest a Fuzzy Dwarf Lion, any of the Hamlets, Maroon Clown, maybe a Hogfish or Toby (sharpnose puffer) don't know if I would put a snowflake in there he won't have any room when he gets larger
Thanks guys....I know alot about seahorses, but not aggressive fish
my seahorses are being moved to another tank and I've wanted an aggresive tank for a long time.....I'm thinking about an angler.....can it be housed with a small puffer like a valentini or porc , provided both are the same size???