I already have 95 lbs of LR and 70 LBS of LS. Im Lookinf for FOWLR. No triggers or aggresive fish. Any suggestions would be great. And can i keep one angel???
Lots of stuff you can choose from... I'd go with a a couple of peaceful clownfish (Pink Skunk/Percula) or one aggressive type (Maroon/Clarkii), dwarf angelfish, a goby or two, and maybe a small school of chromis? There are lots of choices, just add slowly and make sure you add peaceful fish first and more aggressive fish later.
No reason you couldn't keep a dwarf angel in that set up like a coral beauty or flame angel. There are a few more choices as well for angel fish but just watch the size requirements for them.
You have sooo many options for your set up
Go slow is all