Stock list for a 120 reef


I finaly have my 120 it is cycling as we type.
I plan to move my fish and inverts from my 75 one was looking for ideas for new fish
I have a Maroon Clown, Six Line, Blue Hippo Tang, Golden Midas Blenny, Yellow Watchmen Goby & PJ Cardinal. Cleaner shrimp, Fire Shrimp, 3 Peperment shrimp, and several hermits and snails.
I was thinking of a Diamond Goby, Blue Throat Trigger, Flame Angelfish, Yellow Tang, Kole Tang, Maby a 2ed Maroon clown.
Any Ideas ......


the blue throat would not work cuz they will eat ur cuc.. my lfs has all was told me to wait a little while before adding a flame.. but the yellow or kole tang i think would be nice. and if u do the clown put it in like a day or two before the other one u have.. i think it will cut down on the fighting... good luck.


Active Member
If You Have To Have Tangs You Can Have Hippo Or Yellow Or Both But You Need To Get Them Trigger Or Fish That Will Be Larger The 6" Hippo And The Yellow Will Not Grow As Fast Because Of Your Tank Size.


Active Member
IMO, you do not have a particularly large tank, and I would discourage the trigger and 3 tangs. Especially if you intend for this to be a reef tank - that would be a very high fish bioload = risky water quality.
I would be happy with the hippo. If you really want another, go with the Kole.


ok Diamond Goby, Flame Angelfish, Kole Tang, 2ed Maroon clown.
Can I add a Firefish Goby, and a Royle Grama too?


the blue throat would not work cuz they will eat ur cuc.. my lfs has all was told me to wait a little while before adding a flame.. but the yellow or kole tang i think would be nice. and if u do the clown put it in like a day or two before the other one u have.. i think it will cut down on the fighting... good luck.
I disagree
I have a sargassum trigger, kole tang, coral beauty, 2 false percs, a sixline, and 4 bangaii in a 120. Plus 200 hermits, snails, cleaner shrimp, arrow crab. The only killers in my tank are the hermits eating the snails.


ok a cromis is in there to finish the cycle and test the waters
with a Firefish Goby. they are doing fine going on 2 days for them


Ok This is my list .............
Maroon Clown (pair)
Six Line
Blue Hippo Tang
Golden Midas Blenny
Yellow Watchmen Goby
PJ Cardinal
Kole Tang
Blue Throat Triggers (pair)
Dimiond Goby
Fire Goby
Flame Angel
I got a Skimmer way over rated to help and the 75 gallon fuge too. I have about 200 Lbs of rock in the tank and 25 to 40 in the fuge.


Do they get a bad rap like the flame angel or are they realy bad? I have seen several tanks with Blue throuts in them and several times heard if there paired up there more dosile. Also heard like the flame angels if you get them small they are more likely to be better behaved in a reef. I am not douting what you are saying just looking for a first hand account where they have teriozed a reef.


Active Member
I have not personally kept them but with a tank like yours I would not get them. Most of them can be kept in a reef but remember they are going from swimming many miles in a day to 4 feet and back.


Active Member
My basis of this is that I believe you would be overstocked for a 120, which is really not a big tank in the scope of things, - and that the footprint is not conducive to keeping such triggers. Furthermore, if you want a true reef tank, most fish stocking is relatively LESS than what the tank could theoretically sustain biologically. IMO, water quality would be compromised, and as such, the long term success of the reef tank would be a battle.


MR.reef you are correct sir

The "reef safe" Trigger killed my cleaner shrimp tonight.
I watched them fight over the body after they pulled him out of the rocks.....
.......There damn lucky I don't like Sushi
We call that bait round these parts

The 2 triggers are in the fuge and will be going back to the LFS tomarrow for trade for a Kole Tang and a Flame Angel.
And One of the LFS that said they were no problem will be giving me a new Cleaner Shrimp....


Active Member
I feel bad for you. This is a common problem with triggers. They will eat "any" crustation they can get a hold of. It is possible to keep certian tiggers with shrimps and crabs but it is usually uncommon that their will not be a problem.
Just my .02


Originally Posted by Mech-a-nic
MR.reef you are correct sir

The "reef safe" Trigger killed my cleaner shrimp tonight.
I watched them fight over the body after they pulled him out of the rocks.....
.......There damn lucky I don't like Sushi
We call that bait round these parts

The 2 triggers are in the fuge and will be going back to the LFS tomarrow for trade for a Kole Tang and a Flame Angel.
And One of the LFS that said they were no problem will be giving me a new Cleaner Shrimp....
i feel bad for you but thats the life of a trigger even if its reef safe or not it will eat anything it can fit in its mouth