stock list for a 75


Active Member
just lookin for some ideas of what i can stock when the tank is ready.. i dont want something i will have to get rid of cuz it is overgrowing the tank.. I have a 75 gallon with 72lbs lr (plan to get more eventually), magnum 350 convertible canister filter packed with carb.. and 28lbs of sand with 40lbs ls on top of that, and 65x4 pc with lunar.. waiting for cycle to do its thing, and thinking of what to stock in it when its done. i know to start off with 1 or 2 at a time.. anyone else have a 75? what u got in it?


You might want to get:
2-3 damsels
2-4 clownfish
blennie of some sort
kole tang 2-4 in. max
2-3 bangii


Active Member
would 2 blue tangs fit in there instead of damsels? i heard u need at least a 75, but i dont want to squeeze them uncomfortably into their minimum...


I just put my first fish in my 75 gallon. I got a yellow tang. I know a lot of people tend to not want them because everyone has one, I used to think this way as well, but they have such an awesome personality, they are one of my favorite. My LFS reccomended this fish to start with because they are generally very good eaters and can handle tank variations more than most fish. One other thing too, everyone always tells me you need 1 pound of lr for each gallon of your tank, I think this is a little misleading. I had marshall lr and had about 60 pounds of it, and I thought it looked awful. I went to a different lfs and got some branch type live rock that he had and I have about 40 pounds of it and I'm WAY more satisfied with the look of my tank. 1 pound per gallon is good, but don't let your tank get cluttered looking if that's not what you're going for. I see way to many tanks where there's just a huge wall of rock in the back, I've been able to build awesome arches and things that the fish swim through and peek through and I'm way happier! So far so good!!


No blue tangs cant fit in a 75 a yellow or a kole would be good dont get damsels they are the worst fish in the world also if you can upgraded you filter system that would be cool the mag canister suck imo I had one for a while then i eventual set it on fire for being a piece of crap but your heading on the right track


I'm in the same boat with a new 75 FO/LR currently cycling. Here's what I'm thinking about adding. Any advice is welcome. I'll of course add these one at a time and slowly over time, but here are the fish I like:
2 Percula Clowns
1 Powder Blue Tang
1 Porcupine Puffer
1 Saddleback Butterfly
1 Picasso Trigger
Maybe a well tempered Angel down the line.
Is this too much for a 75 FO/LR? I'm only going to have about 60 lbs of LR. Thanks for any advice.


Yeah that will be cramped i would cut it down a couple of fish because most of the fish you listed like alot of swimming room


Well I Am Overstocked But It Looks Beautiful. Plus Upgrading In The Near Future,but This Is What Is In My 75g As Of Now. All Are Baby's So It Is Not To Bad Yet.
1. 3 Clowns
2. 1 Yellow Tang
3. 1 Blue Hippo Tang
4. 1 Royal Gramma
5. 1 Coral Banded Shrimp
6. 1 Cleaner Shrimp
7. 20 Nass Snails And 10 Blue Leg Hermits
8. 75 Lbs Of Figi Rock
9. 60 Lbs Of Live Sand
I Am Running A Pro Aquatics Wet/dry Ratted For 120g With The Skimmer, Drilled Tank In Both Corners[used For Returns] With A Sqwd Inline To Switch Flow, 2 802 Powerheads [for More Movement], "cheap" Pc Lighting[260 Watt With 4 Leds For Night] I Think That Is All.


picasso trigger
yellow tang
dwarf lion-maybe if the trigger is a good tempered one, my picasso is a really well behaved fish, but they are known to pick the fins of lions


Active Member
would a clownfish be a good first fish to put in?
i dont want any really aggressive fish like damsels..


Clowns are good if you go with percs false or true. the maroons especially the GSM are aggressive. No damsels maybe 3 or so chromis but they take up room and are not that pretty imo. I would do this
False Perc pair
Bangai Cardinal
Foxface lo
flame angel or some type of small angel
if not an angel maybe a pair of anthias?
I would not do more than 5 or 6 total fish you can do more but you better be prepaired to to water changes often. Also try and invest in a skimmer the coral life super skimmers are kliller and you can get a 125 for a decent price.
Good luck here is my 75 that started out as a FOWLR lol


OK, if I cut my list for my 75 FOWLR to:
2 Perc Clowns
1 Powder Blue Tang
1 Porcupine Puffer
1 Picasso Trigger
What order should I introduce them, and how much time in between each introduction? Thanks for any input.


First of all, you should only keep 2 Clowns in a tank, unless your tank is very large. Somebody posted above that they have 3 - two of the Clowns will mate-up and kill the third.
You can put a Blue/Hippo Tang into your 75 tank, but only as long as it's a small one. Once it grows to a certain size it'll outgrow your tank and you'll have to move it to a larger tank (either your own larger tank ir swap it) or it will die.