stock list for my 125, ideas?

I have 125lbs crushed coral/gravel/sand.
100lbs live rock
Dual fluval 405 filters
emperor 350 filter
8 assorted damsels
4 green chromis
Has been up and running 35 days.
Would ultimately like a clown trigger, but hear nothing but nasty things and that I cannot have one in my tank if I want tankmates.
Would like a purple tang, yellow tang, and sailfin tang (the trio)
a powder blue tang.
(I know 4 tangs is stretching it)
But what else is cool that I can add? I feed all my tangs seaweed salad on a clip daily, they pig out I have a powder brown, a sailfin, and a hippo in different tanks throughout the house.
What are some cool FOWLR species I can get? What are the yellow dogface puffers called?
Any ideas would be appreciated. Any cool angels I can have besides the dwarf variety?


Originally Posted by ChrgerOnDavins
bump, foxface ok?
A foxface should be ok. Just remember to keep in mind they are poisonous to humans. I am kind of partial to copperband butterfly's as well. Although if you get any of the aggressive fish such as the triggers the copperband would not be a good choice as they need a peaceful environment.


Originally Posted by ChrgerOnDavins
what about foxfaces, how would they do with huma or niger trigger?
I am not exactly sure how a foxface would do with a trigger. I believe they are more of a bashful fish so it may not be a good idea. You might check over in the aggressive section on these boards and could probably find the answer there. I have seen several set ups with the foxface in with several tangs so I could say that will work.