stock list help


HI, i am thinking of adding more fish into my 36g. I don't know what to consider. I currently have:
2-false perc clown
1- royal gramma
3-peppermt shrimp
hermits, snails.
I would like to save a spot for a mandarine in the summer


Active Member
I would consider a small flasher wrasse or watchman goby. IMO, your tank is too small to sustain a mandarin due to the amounts of live rock needed to provide their food source.


Active Member
You cannot keep a mandarin in a 36 gallon tank as it will starve to death in a few weeks to months. They need an very large established tank with a couple of hundred pounds of live rock to support a large enough pod population that multiplies fast enough to keep up with their feeding needs.....and this is only if there is no other fish eating pods also like most wrasses will eat them too. Do your research and you will find that I am telling you the truth.
I think maybe one more small fish is all you could add because one can only keep about half as many fish in saltwater compared to freshwater stocking levels. Maybe a colorful flasher wrasse would be a nice last fish IMO. Lesley


Active Member
Originally Posted by nicetry
I would consider a small flasher wrasse or watchman goby. IMO, your tank is too small to sustain a mandarin due to the amounts of live rock needed to provide their food source.
I agree with the flasher wrasse, one of the most beautiful fish available; I don't know why they aren't more common.


in my 29gallon sps tank i have 3 yellow tail damsels,3 domino damsels and one flame angel. the reason that the tank is over stocked is because i have sps and the more fish the bettter. my nitrates-0,trites-0,phos-0,ca 425,mg-1300,ph-8.2,salinity 1.025. i have bassed my entire stocking around one fish the flame angel with smaller fish. i wouldnt do a flame angel because they require special care which i provide and it takes me atleast an hr a day preping food and what not for it. u could go with a flame hawk or a longnose hawk but they might eat ur peps. a 6 line provieds a lot of personality to a tank as well as movement,gobys are kool like a watchman and pistol shrimp symbiotic pair. I agree no no no on the mandarian to much of a hassel and need a well established tank as the other person mentioned. 100s and 100s of lbs of lr is needed to keep the pod pop up as well as a huge fuge and buying of pods weekly and adding to ur tank. in the end u spend more time on food for one fish than u do on the actual fish not worth it.


So, one more fish and that's it for me
Only 4 for a 36g! It is too early for me to upgrade. Maybe next year. Thanks for your input.


na u can go with 2 or 3 more but they have to be with in an approiate size limit. u could go with a hawk fish and watchman goby,and 6 line wrasse if u wanted to