in my 29gallon sps tank i have 3 yellow tail damsels,3 domino damsels and one flame angel. the reason that the tank is over stocked is because i have sps and the more fish the bettter. my nitrates-0,trites-0,phos-0,ca 425,mg-1300,ph-8.2,salinity 1.025. i have bassed my entire stocking around one fish the flame angel with smaller fish. i wouldnt do a flame angel because they require special care which i provide and it takes me atleast an hr a day preping food and what not for it. u could go with a flame hawk or a longnose hawk but they might eat ur peps. a 6 line provieds a lot of personality to a tank as well as movement,gobys are kool like a watchman and pistol shrimp symbiotic pair. I agree no no no on the mandarian to much of a hassel and need a well established tank as the other person mentioned. 100s and 100s of lbs of lr is needed to keep the pod pop up as well as a huge fuge and buying of pods weekly and adding to ur tank. in the end u spend more time on food for one fish than u do on the actual fish not worth it.