Stock list ideas for my 90 gallon established tank


New Member
So I have a 90 gallon that I bought from someone else. It has been established for 4 years. I have two large clowns a mandarin a lawnmower blenny four blue chromis a serpent star and a black spiny urchin. Any idea for a larger fish to add to the mix. We are looking at the tangs but I want to keep everything as peaceful as I can so any other suggestions are welcome. Thank you in advance!!


New Member
I forgot I also have snails shrimp hermits a 30 gallon refugium and a protien skimmer rated up to 300 gallons. Thanks again guys!!


Active Member
Your clowns would be the bullies by the list you gave. Really it boils down to what colors and style fish you want. The tank size is fine for tangs and they won't bug your inverts.
Somewhere I read a thread that said 1" for every ten? gallons of tank at full size. I'm sure someone will chime in on this suggestion. So 12" of fish makes for an easy tank to maintain.
Check water a few weeks after setup and then add fish slow. With the length of the running tank you should be fine.
I do like a yellow tang they will now down algae all day until its all gone. If you have no algae you need to supplement their greens.
Best of luck.


New Member
Thanks you for the info. We already have the fish I listed above so good to know. I want a vivid colored fish. My husband wants a sailfin. I am worried about this fishes size in a 90 gallon.


I'd skip the larger tangs...stay with a bristle tooth if you must have a kole or tomini....other options for colorful fish are flasher wrasses, anthias, and other reef safe wrasses, though they are not larger, I'd actually stay away from larger fish...


Active Member
Yellow tang or two would do fine in that size tank. Just make sure there is room to swim the lengths of the tank ro in front and behind rock.


New Member
Thanks guys for the advice! You have all chosen the fish we have talked about most. We have settled on a fox face lo. So excited. He is on order.


Well-Known Member
Excellent choice. Idk if u know this or not. They Change color at night or when stressed so don't worry if it's brown. Its normal the yellow comes back


New Member
I did know that. I have tried to do as much research as I can. I don't want to loose any other fish due to ignorance. Thank you so much for telling me though. That's the best thing about this site. The good people and the info.


Well-Known Member
Sure np. There excellent fish. Get along well w others. Also you'll want to give it sum nori maybe 3 times a wk. They love the sea weed but don't want give them too much.


New Member
Thanks for the advise. I got him last night. He is still a lol dis colored but still beautiful. I am very excited to have him in our tank!


Well-Known Member
Excellent. They eat a ton! So you should have no issues feeding it. Mine is a member of the cuc! Food in the water column or on bottom doesn't matter he eats it all. Just make sure your smaller fish get fed too. I flip from one end of the tank to they other while feeding. Keeps him and my coral beauty from eating it all b4 my other fish. Lol good luck w um. Iam sure you'll enjoy it


New Member
So I got my fox face. I had mixed up the name of the fish I wanted. So instead of a fox face lo I got a Fiji fox face. I was a lil disappointed when I realized what I had done but I took the fish anyways. I am glad I did. After two days he seems to have settled in nicely. He is eating really well. He already has a great personality. He come to the glass as soon as he sees me. I am so glad you recommended the fox face to me. My favorite fish by fast.


Well-Known Member
Excellent. The Fiji is just a bit darker same ole fox tho. They are all excellent fish. I wish u could mix them,but there best kept singly. I want to get a bigger tank if I do I make get a metallic fox for that.


New Member
Yeah I would love to have more. To bad you can't! Good luck with the new tank. That sound fun.