stock list preferences


Active Member
thinking about the following
as a combination
emperor angel
passer / king angel
sailfin tang
blue tang
3 yellow tang
2 atlantic blue tang
orange shoulder
5 yellow wrasse
regal angel
10 orange tail damsel
4 b/w clown
cleaner wrasse


Personally, I love a few big "show" fish and then the rest to be small fish that add "life and excitement" to a tank.
My LFS has a beautiful large tank (I think it's 500g) full of SPS. They have a Purple Tang, Achilles Tang and a Sohal Tang, everything else in the tank is small basslets, dottybacks, anthias, clown gobies, firefish, and wrasses. The small fish are actually much more noticeable than the larger fish because they have so much movement to them and their colors just pop so much more. It's the inspiration for my upcoming upgrade.
Even in my own tank, my small fish are actually more noticeable than my Sailfin and Blonde Naso Tangs.


Active Member
My center piece will be a very large emperor and passer angel
But after losing my 5 year old purple tang , I don't have the heart to get another one.this one endures a lot of my mistake but unforseen had happen. and I can't save it
I had 3 schooling purple for a while
But I sold the 2 when I upgrade because of limited space on my QT
I miss her a lot she was my favorite just like my cleaner wrasse.
I was so bummed out I cut my hair!